Who killed JFK..?¿?.. And why did they do it…?¿?¿?…

[!]John F. Kennedy was assassinated (Nov. 22, 1963) in the classic execution-style ritual sacrifice known as the 'killing of the King' [jhaines6.wordpress.com] [850x525]High}Acts}»
[!]John F. Kennedy was assassinated (Nov. 22, 1963) in the classic execution-style ritual sacrifice known as the ‘killing of the King’ [jhaines6.wordpress.com] [850×525]High}Acts}»


*This article is a condensed version of a much longer essay which can be found at:
Warren Commission Report: The Most Absurd Investigation In US History


John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 by way of a classic, execution-style ritual sacrifice known as the “killing of the King”*. This form of unusually public and gruesome murder of an extremely popular world leader is designed to shock and awe the mass consciousness. And so it did.
“There is a Secret Society ritual that is ‘the killing of the King.’ The national leader of the people is only a figurehead and has no real power. Power lies behind the scenes within dark secrets. Others pull the strings of the politician puppets. If an upstart, politician puppet makes waves or rocks the boat or doesn’t play ball…..that puppet gets eliminated. It is why Caesar was killed. It is why Kennedy was killed. If you disturb the real power structure, you can be targeted for removal. Such ‘assassinations’ demonstrate to the world who has the real power; it is a bloody statement of who is really in charge; and the truth is our secret rulers control from dark shadows. (There is a reason the Ace is higher than the King in a deck of cards. The Ace represents the Secret Societies that truly run the show).”
Excerpt from: WAS JFK KILLED BECAUSE OF ROSWELL? by Doug Yurchey
JFK was by far the most courageous and self-sacrificing president in modern American history. In his almost 3 year tenure, he made more bold decisions, issued more audacious executive orders, and enacted more revolutionary policy than all of the other US presidents of the 20th century put together. How so, you might ask?
What follows is a list of ten reasons why JFK became the most targeted man in America in 1963.
Each of these 10 explanations standing alone would be considered extremely life-threatening to any sitting president of the USA. And these are just the top ten; there are many other brave initiatives undertaken by JFK which pitted him directly against the TPTB (The Powers That Be).


[!]Portrait of John F. Kennedy Giclee Print [263x350]High}Craq'd}»


Therefore, the real question is how JFK managed to survive as long as he did…

(1) JFK issued executive order # 11110 which essentially disempowered the Federal Reserve System. This international crime syndicate is a private banking cartel with no reserves and is not federal, since its owners are more foreign than domestic. Like President Andrew Jackson, he knew the FED had to go if there was to be freedom from permanent debt slavery for the USA.  Needless to say, the NWO bankers would not tolerate such audacity, and JFK knew he would pay the greatest price.
(2) JFK vowed to shut down the CIA shortly after the failed Bay of Pigs operation. The CIA is the granddaddy of all black and psyops around the world, including all major terrorist events before and since 911. With such an enormous and unaccountable black budget funding so many illegal schemes, JFK understood the CIA was the proverbial loose canon.  His firing of CIA Director, Allen Dulles, proved to be the last straw.  So was his vow to  “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds”.
(3) JFK was implementing plans to end the Viet Nam War. His failure to prosecute the war greatly irked the Roman Catholic Church, the war’s primary instigator. As the first Roman Catholic US president, he made it clear during his campaign that he would act with complete independence from Vatican influence and always govern as his conscience dictated. Terminating the Viet Nam War became JFK’s number one foreign policy agenda item, which put him at serious odds with the entire World Shadow Government.
(4) JFK adamantly opposed Israel’s plan to develop nuclear weapons. His uncompromising posture enraged Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, and brought upon him the wrath of the MOSSAD. A nuclear-armed Israel was an essential goal of those who would control the oil and gas reserves throughout the Middle East.  JFK was well aware of Israel’s intentions to terrorize the entire Middle East with threats of nuclear armageddon. 
(5) JFK was proceeding with plans to reveal highly classified information regarding the truth about UFO’s and the Alien Presence on Planet Earth. “He was the only member of Majestic 12 that wanted full disclosure to the American people.” That Extraterrestrial Biological Entities existed fascinated JFK, and he felt the nation had a right to know.  Such revelations would never be allowed by those who control the mainstream media and dictate world governance.
(6) JFK issued a direct warning to all Secret Societies operating on US soil. The Illuminati was not pleased! By taking concrete measures to expose their secret agendas and clandestine operations, he put himself at great risk and his entire Administration in serious jeopardy. Nevertheless, JFK knew that his unprecedented revelations in this regard sealed his fate.  It has even been asserted that he went to Dallas having been fully forewarned of  the murder plot.  Furthermore, he knew he was powerless to prevent a covert coup d’etat engineered and executed by the secret societies. 
(7) JFK’s brother and US Attorney General, Robert F. Kennedy, launched an unprecedented war on organized crime, and particularly on the NYC and Chicago mob families. Obviously the American Mafia was not pleased, especially after they allegedly helped swing the necessary Chicago vote (and therefore Illinois electoral votes) in JFK’s favor to win the election.  Bobby, himself, admitted that his aggressive pursuit of the mob may have caused the demise of his brother.
(8) JFK inherited the most intense foreign policy hotspot known as Cuba, as well as the CIA’s intention to assassinate Fidel Castro. The Cuban Missile Crisis had broad ramifications for his presidency, as well as for the Cold War. His decision-making independence throughout the crisis, especially his use of personal surrogates and unconventional process, would not be tolerated.  However, it was the Bay of Pigs (BOP) fiasco and the withdrawal of Air Force support from the operation which turned the CIA against him for good.   
(9) JFK took up the torch of civil rights in a way that no other President did throughout the 20th century. His embrace of the Civil Rights Movement drew close to him many who would try to sabotage his efforts “by all means necessary”. As the Great White Hope, JFK (and RFK) were considered to be a threat to those who would divide and rule through stoking racial hatreds.  The Deep South was therefore a conducive environment to stage the assassination, just as southerners murdered Abraham Lincoln post Civil War.
(10) JFK had very serious and powerful enemies in the form of Lyndon B. Johnson, George H. W. Bush, Richard N. Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles, as well as the British Crown whose intentions were well known by his ambassador father, Joseph P. Kennedy. The entire global power structure, particularly the US Military-Industrial Complex, and its many secret societies and covert organizations, were vastly arrayed against him.  TheWorld Shadow Government was determined to make an [UNFORGETTABLE] example of him. 

President John F. Kennedy confers with his brother Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy (Oct.01,1962) [www.wbur.org]
President John F. Kennedy confers with his brother Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy (Oct.01,1962) [1000×642]High}Acts}Comp}»
Authors Note:
(11) According to L. Fletcher Prouty… the inspiration for ‘X’ in Oliver Stone’s movie JFK… not enough credit has been given to the successful mini nuclear reactor power system tested in Antarctica. This alone… would have shook the foundations of the Energy Industry… providing virtually free safe energy…
Archived from https://riversong.wordpress.com/l-fletcher-proutys-letter-to-jim-garrison
L. Fletcher Prouty’s Letter to Jim Garrison… can also be found on my site…

Original script excerpt from the movie JFK … Jim Garrison meets with X …

… and gets more than he bargained for …. A Genuine Epiphany of Intrigue…

‘X’: …it wasn’t until I was on my way back in New Zealand that I read of the President’s murder. That was 2 in the afternoon the next day New Zealand time, but already the papers had the entire history of an unknown 24-year-old man, Oswald – a studio picture, detailed biographical data, Russian information – and were pretty sure of the fact he’d killed the President alone, although it took them four more hours to charge him with the murder in Texas. It felt as if, well, a cover story was being put out like we would in a black op.


Excerpt from Oliver Stone's movie 'JFK' Jim Garrison meets with 'X' [1227x895] [lNbEK8UCwrE]}
Excerpt from Oliver Stone’s movie ‘JFK’ Jim Garrison meets with ‘X’ [lNbEK8UCwrE]}
{{Start of Video excerpt}}»» ‘X’: Anyway, after I came back I asked myself why was I, the chief of special ops, selected to travel to the South Pole at that time to do a job that any number of others could have done? One of my routine duties if I had been in Washington would’ve been to arrange for additional security in Texas. The Secret Service is relatively small, and by custom the military will augment them. I checked it out when I got back and sure enough, I found out someone had told the 112th Military Intelligence Group at 4th Army Headquarters at Fort Sam Houston to “stand down” that day, over the protests of the unit Commander, a Colonel Reich…
‘X’: Now this is significant, because it is standard operating procedure, especially in a known hostile city like Dallas, to supplement the Secret Service. Even if we had not allowed the bubbletop to be removed from the limousine, we’d’ve put at least 100 to 200 agents on the sidewalks, without question! There’d already been several attempts on de Gaulle’s life in France. Only a month before in Dallas UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson had been spit on and hit. We’d have arrived days ahead of time, studied the route, checked all the buildings…We never would’ve allowed all those wide-open empty windows overlooking Dealey… never… We would have had our own snipers covering the area. The moment a window went up they’d have been on the radio. We would’ve been watching the crowds – packages, rolled up newspapers, a coat over an arm, never would have let a man open an umbrella along the way – Never would’ve allowed that limousine to slow down to 10 miles per hour, much less take that unusual curve at Houston and Elm. You would have felt an Army presence in the streets that day, but none of this happened. It was a violation of the most basic protection codes we have. And it is the best indication of a massive plot in Dallas. Who could have best done that? People in my business, Mr. Garrison. People like my superior officer could’ve told Col. Reich, “Look – we have another unit coming from so and so providing security. You’ll stand down.” That day, in fact, there were some individual Army Intelligence people in Dallas and I’m still trying to figure out who and why. But they weren’t protecting the client. One of them, by the way, was caught in the Book Depository after police sealed it off.
‘X’: Army Intell had a “Harvey Lee Oswald” on file, but all those files have been destroyed. Many strange things were happening that day, and Lee Harvey Oswald had nothing to do with them. We had the entire Cabinet on a trip to the Far East. We had a third of a combat division returning from Germany in the air above the United States at the time of the shooting, and at 12:34 P.M., the entire telephone system went dead in Washington for a solid hour, and on the plane back to Washington, word was radioed from the White House Situation Room to Lyndon Johnson that one individual performed the assassination. Does that sound like a bunch of coincidences to you, Mr. Garrison? Not for one moment. The cabinet was out of the country to get their perception out of the way. The troops were in the air for possible riot control. The phones didn’t work to keep the wrong stories from spreading if anything went wrong with the plan. Nothing was left to chance. I bet you there were even backup teams and cars on the other side of the underpass in the event that Kennedy got through wounded. They would have moved in with vehicles like they did with de Gaulle. He could not be allowed to escape alive.
‘X’: I never though things were the same after that. Vietnam started for real. There was an air of, I don’t know, make-believe in the Pentagon and the CIA. Those of us who’d been in secret ops since the beginning knew the Warren Commission was fiction, but there was something… deeper, uglier. And I knew Allen Dulles very well. I briefed him many a time in his house. He was also General Y’s benefactor. But for the life of me I still can’t figure out why Dulles was appointed to investigate Kennedy’s death. The man who had fired him. I got out in ’64. I retired from the U.S. Air Force.
Jim: I never realized Kennedy was so dangerous to the establishment. Is that why?
‘X’: That’s the real question, isn’t it – “Why?” – the “how” is just “scenery” for the suckers… Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, Mafia, it keeps people guessing like a parlor game, but it prevents them from asking the most important question – Why? Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefitted? Who has the power to cover it up?… You know in ’61 right after the Bay of Pigs – very few people know about this – I participated in drawing up National Security Action Memos 55, 56, and 57. These are crucial documents, classified top secret, but basically in them Kennedy instructs General Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, that from here on forward…
‘X’: … the Joint Chiefs of Staff would be wholly responsible for all covert paramilitary action in peacetime. This basically ended the reign of the CIA – “splintered it”, as J.F.K. promised he would, into a “thousand pieces”, – and now was ordering the military to help. This was unprecedented. I can’t tell you the shock waves this sent along the corridors of power in Washington. This and, of course, firing Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, and General Charles Cabell, all of them sacred cows of Intell since World War II. You got some very upset people here.
‘X’: Kennedy’s directives were never really implemented, because of bureaucratic resistance, but one of the results was that the Cuban operation was turned over to my department as “Operation Mongoose”, which meant that people like my superior officer, General Y, took over the Cuban personnel that were being trained to invade Cuba – and the bases like the training camp at Pontchartrain in your home state that were closed down by Kennedy… and that’s how the “black ops” people, people like General Y, ended up taking the rules of covert warfare they’d used abroad and brought’em into this country. Now they had the people, the equipment, bases and the motivation… check out an old CIA man, Bill Harvey – ran something called “Executive Action”, which carried out foreign assassinations. Harvey was also involved with the fake defection program that got Oswald into Russia. Check out the Cabell brothers. Interesting links to this case.
‘X’: …don’t underestimate the budget cuts Kennedy called for in March of ’63 either – close to 52 military installations in 25 states, 21 overseas bases, you’re talking big money. You know how many helicopters have been lost in Vietnam? About three thousand so far. Who makes them? Bell Helicopter. Who owns Bell? Bell was near bankruptcy when the First National Bank of Boston approached the CIA about developing the helicopter for Indochina usage. How ’bout the f-111 fighters? General Dynamics in Fort Worth. Who owns that? Find out the defense budget since the war began. $75 going on a hundred billion … $200 billion’ll be spent before it ends. In 1950 it was $13 billion. No war, no money. Sometimes I think the organizing principle of any society is for war. The authority of the state over it’s people resides in it’s war powers. Even Eisenhower – military hero of WWII – warned us about it: “beware the military – industrial complex”, he said. Kennedy wanted to end the Cold War in his second term. He wanted to call of the moon race in favor of cooperation with the Soviets. He signed a treaty with the Soviets to ban nuclear testing, he refused to invade Cuba in ’62, and he set out to withdraw from Vietnam. But that all ended on November 22, 1963.
‘X’: Only four days after J.F.K. was shot, Lyndon Johnson signed National Security Memo 273, which essentially reversed Kennedy’s new withdrawal policy and gave the green light to the covert operations against North Vietnam that provoked the Gulf of Tonkin incident. In that document lay the Vietnam War.
In the park with X, Jim is staggered by all this information. X ceases walking and looks at Jim…

There is no question that the corporate-sponsored war instigated in Viet Nam would not be stopped by a peace-loving president who learned from his experiences in WWII. The global Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) already implemented its agenda ensuring perpetual war. However, Kennedy wanted no part of it, but seems to have neglected to see that his Texas-bred Vice-President was one of the prime political movers behind that agenda.
This was perhaps the most fateful compromise of JFK’s career. He knew that he could not win the election without LBJ. He also knew that his presidential platform was quite incompatible with virtually everything LBJ stood for. After all, LBJ’s Texas political machine was well oiled by Big Oil and generously funded by the very MIC corporations that thrived on war.
The obvious upshot* is just that. Because of his strategic position in the Vice-Presidential suite, LBJ was able to set up the final shot of the Kennedy’s term in office. As a matter of fact, the following exposé shows just how confident they were in their plan to remove a US President by way of public execution — Texas-style.


[!!!]RFK'n'JFK@'d'WhiteHouse [10-01-62] [1268×906]Max}Acts}»Pixl'r'd}Comp³d}merg²d}WhiteOne}»
[!!!]RFK’n’JFK@’d’WhiteHouse [10-01-62] [1268×906]Max}Acts}»Pixl’r’d}Comp³d}merg²d}WhiteOne}»


As you can plainly see, JFK could have easily been assassinated for any ONE of these ten reasons. Each one carries with it grave consequences, so its very easy to understand why “he had to go”, as far as TPTB (The Powers That Be) were concerned. Therefore, it takes only a small leap of understanding to apprehend the extraordinary and complex conspiracy, that was coordinated at the very highest levels of government and power both in the USA and the world-at-large, which ensured his demise in the form of a public execution and ritual sacrifice.
So let’s put to sleep this whole notion of conspiracy once and for all. It’s not that thousands of individuals and groups were directly involved with the actual assassination itself. However, and without question, these numerous organizations were involved obliquely in a cover-up of incomprehensible size and scope. Especially by putting their vast resources in the service of the ongoing and necessary conspiracy of silence, was an extremely well coordinated cover-up ever successfully conducted.
In a highly compartmentalized black operation like this one was, where every perpetrator participated on a strictly need-to-know basis, it is easy to see how they pulled it off. By acts of omission, and silence, and a knowing wink* like LBJ’s captured during his swearing in ceremony were they successful in carrying out the most shocking and horrifying coup d’etat of the 20th century.

LBJ returning a knowing wink to Texas cohort, Congressman Albert Thomas during his swearing-in ceremony aboard Air Force One.
By acting as a truly righteous and just leader, JFK made so many enemies that his assassination was all but a forgone conclusion, and therefore just a matter of “execution”. However, what the TPTB failed to realize, was that a self sacrifice on the order of JFK’s would produce a whole generation of anti-war activists who literally shut down the Viet Nam War – an unprecedented act of defiance in American history. This galvanization of moral ascendancy through the peace movements of the 1960’s & 70’s is perhaps the only time in recorded history that a popular movement was successful at bringing a war machine to a screeching halt!
Because of the extraordinary, enlightening and edifying effects that John F. Kennedy had on the American consciousness, TPTB must have determined that they had no choice but to kill the messenger. JFK’s message of peace and brotherhood and good will was simply to contrary to their agenda. As a “pitchman for peace”, he was far too effective in delivering a message of hope to the entire world. His sincerity was further evidenced by his intention to wind down the Viet Nam War against the wishes of a burgeoning military industrial complex which had never before been thwarted.
In closing the raw truth about the assassination of JFK is that he was to be made a dramatic example of what would not be tolerated by the World Shadow Government. His extremely brutal and public execution was quite purposeful so that no one would ever forget the savagery of the murder. In this way every president and prime minister, every king and queen, every chairman of the board and CEO across the planet would know the following fact of life on Planet Earth:
That such a power exists which can execute a US President in broad daylight with absolute impunity. And that cover-ups of such a serious crime and conspiracy are as easy as fabricating a new JFK assassination conspiracy theory every other year.
However, TPTB failed to realize that there were so many involved in this cover-up that the truth would be revealed sooner or later. And so it has.
Here’s just one little video that will forever provide a photo-documentary of highly incriminating actions perpetrated by JFK’s Secret Service detail as his motorcade began its journey through Dallas on November 22, 1963.
Secret Service orders stand down just prior to JFK’s assassination
That there was an entire “system” dedicated to JFK’s demise once he revealed his true agenda is now without question.
Whereas TPTB were completely committed to perpetual war, economic exploitation, and divide and rule, John F. Kennedy was genuinely dedicated to world peace, economic justice, and social equality.
State of the Nation 2013


[!!]An era of better looking political brothers.. [301×388]HighActs}»Pixl'r'd}Comp'd'}}»
[!!]An era of better looking political brothers.. What style…




Since November 22, 1963, there have been over 2,000 books, dozens of television programs and countless movies filled with theory, conjecture and myth as to why John F. Kennedy was gunned down in broad daylight on a downtown Dallas street.
Until now, no one has been able to prove anything other than the fact that the FBI and the CIA did little to help the Warren Commission, a select group of bureaucrats with an agenda of lies.
Denials, false sponsors, and government cover-ups continue to reign supreme, the latest attempt being the Assassination Records Review Board, five scholars appointed by President Bill Clinton. The Review Board, while powerless from a judicial standpoint, appears credible, yet “controlled.” Their mission, to quote Chairman John Tunheim, is to “convince the American people that the government is not withholding any documents from the public.”
Professional assassins don’t take notes or leave documents behind.(1)

The real proof is in the evidence gathered after the crime.

One must consider the truths that are self evident if the murder of JFK is to truly be “solved.”
Let us now clearly examine these truths:
1- The Kennedy family were/are members of “the elite” (players in international high finance circles) since the early days of Joseph Kennedy. John F. Kennedy was elected to office through monetary power and with the help of the Mafia. Without the total support of other members of “the elite” – he would not have become President.(2)
2- JFK and his brother, RFK, attacked organized crime in an effort to expose the Mafia to the public and curtail its power. JFK and Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana shared the same mistress, Judith Campbell Exner. Giancana helped JFK win the election in Illinois and on the east coast.(3)
3- Since 1942, the CIA and the Mafia have worked together in numerous clandestine operations.(4)
4- JFK refused to allow the CIA and American troops to attack Cuba thereby creating the infamous Bay of Pigs fiasco in 1961. Following that incident, General Charles P. Cabell, Deputy Director of the CIA, went around Washington calling President Kennedy a traitor. The CIA solicited the services of the Mafia to kill Fidel Castro.(5)
5- International bankers have controlled America for over 100 years.(6)
6- The Vatican Bank is one of the most powerful international financial institutions in the world. Paul Marcinkus, the sole American ever to rise to an executive position in the Vatican Bank, was from Cicero, Illinois, a legendary Chicago mob stronghold. In 1994, Marcinkus was accused of money laundering drug profits in a USA Today news report. Now a resident of Arizona, Marcinkus declined to comment.
7- CIA operatives and former covert agents using CIA planes and vehicles often control the transportation of narcotics from the source. The Mafia controls the global drug distribution network to the consumer. The defunct Nugan-Hand Bank in Australia as well as banks in the Cayman Islands and Switzerland have also participated in CIA/Mafia money laundering of drug profits.(7)
8- The public execution of John F. Kennedy was accomplished by a three man Mafia/CIA “firing squad” in association with a patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald. The CIA was aware of the attempt on JFK’s life prior to 11/22/63 and flew in an “abort” team to Dallas on the morning of the “hit.”(8)

JFK assasianation .C.I.A agent tells all

Published on Mar 19, 2015
After 50 years a CIA agent comes forward and tells how he and other agents were sent into Dallas to abort the assassination of President Kennedy…

9- In 1963, John F. Kennedy was preparing to amend the National Labor Relations Board statutes and various Internal Revenue Service statues that would prevent foreign flag shipping from being exempt from American income taxes. These amendments would have seriously affected Liberian shipping magnates and the assets of men such as Aristotle Onassis. Billions of dollars were at stake. President Kennedy was killed three days before he was to make these amendments public.(9)
10- In 1979, The House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that there was a”probable conspiracy” in the murder of JFK and that organized crime members “possibly”were involved.(10)


[!]50 Years JFK Assassination [576×273] [www.john-adams.nl]HighActs}»




https://JFKRevelations.wordpress.com ««


http://JFKRevelations.yolasite.com ««





RussRant∶ The Poppy Cover-Up Book∿∫∿¿ [1088×725] [whowhatwhy.org]}



Bush 41 Gets Another Free Ride


George H.W. Bush as agent 0041. Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Library of Congress / Wikimedia, adamsguns.com / Wikimedia, Mono / Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
George H.W. Bush as agent 0041. Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Library of Congress / Wikimedia, adamsguns.com / Wikimedia, Mono / Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Several years ago, when I heard that George H.W. Bush’s “biographer” was preparing an authorized account of the 41st president’s life, I was curious, to say the least. How would he handle the remarkable fact that Bush 41, known to friends and family as “Poppy,” was nothing like the man the public thought he was?

Two Faces, Neither Good
For anyone unfamiliar with my work: I spent five years researching Poppy and his clan for my book, Family of Secrets. In the course of my digging, I was positively gobsmacked to discover that this supposedly mild-mannered, nerdy, inarticulate, awkward, indecisive fellow had actually been much more interesting and consequential.

From the moment he went to World War II as a naval aviator through successive stints as an oilman, congressman, diplomat, and party official, his official work masked the fact that he was deeply immersed in the spy world. He was involved with a succession of highly secretive covert operations affecting not just outcomes in his own country but around the world — from the Bay of Pigs to coups abroad and scandals and cataclysms at home — including Watergate and Iran Contra. (To learn more, begin here, Part 1 of a series of 10 excerpts from Family of Secrets.)

Publicly, he said he couldn’t recall where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, but I found out. Guess where? Dallas! Guess who he was working for? The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)! Whose longtime director and master coup planner, Allen Dulles, a close friend of the Bush family, had two years earlier been forced out by JFK.

This “double life,” explains why in 1976 — at a moment when Congress was digging into the deepest secrets of the CIA and threatening to dismember that powerful and unaccountable club — the man chosen to run it was none other than the “pleasant”, preppy, purported non-spook, George H.W. Bush.

Because virtually no one knew that he was already in the club, he could come in and give it a phony veneer of a house cleaning. However, if the media actually did its job, dug for the truth and then leveled with the public, Poppy’s appointment might have opened the way to a whole new understanding of how power is wielded in America, through a cast of characters in which Poppy Bush and his brethren played a starring role.

This revelation wasn’t forthcoming, of course, and to this day labeling George H.W. Bush as a master-spook sounds like lunacy, because “everyone knows” he’s an affable fellow who owes his successful public career to little more than a series of curious accidents.

But those who make an effort to get the history of the Bush clan, unfiltered, from unendorsed sources — and I am one of them — know better.

Giving the Cover-Up a Touch-Up
So when I heard the inevitable drumbeat for the new “biography,” with which the elder Bush had “cooperated,” I couldn’t help wondering how the author would handle this “assignment.”

I didn’t have to wait to read the book, which is called Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush, (and comes out Tuesday) to get the answer. Because what counts for public opinion is typically not what is in a book, since most will not buy it. And even those who do will often not read it. Or they won’t read it carefully.

No, what shapes opinion most often is what the public is told is in it.

The pre-publicity answered the question for me: the author, Jon Meacham, a former editor of Newsweek (a magazine with its own strong historical connections to the intelligence fraternity) would simply walk around the truth, while keeping his attention steadfastly on the carefully propped up facade.

When I saw the excerpts, I knew for sure that this would be another whitewash — another dishonest contribution to the disinformation campaign that has for so long kept most Americans in the dark about key episodes in modern United States history.

Typically, publishers take their best shot with the snippets, morsels and advance peeks they dole out to their favored outlets in the media. That means that whatever is most shocking is revealed at the outset. In the case of this new book, the shocker is that Poppy Bush doesn’t like what became of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, and blames them for, to some extent, leading his son and namesake astray.

Example, from The New York Times, which of course got an advance copy:

He said he thought Mr. Cheney had changed since serving in his cabinet. “He just became very hard-line and very different from the Dick Cheney I knew and worked with,” Mr. Bush said. He attributed that to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. “Just iron-ass. His seeming knuckling under to the real hard-charging guys who want to fight about everything, use force to get our way in the Middle East.”

… He added, “Rumsfeld was an arrogant fellow and self-assured, swagger.”

Whatever one makes of these not really very shocking ”shocking” news items, rendered in Poppy’s inimitably mangled, imprecise and inelegant diction, it hardly goes to the essence of this man.

What really amazes me, despite how often I have seen it played out in the course of my career, is how superficial, purblind, fundamentally dishonest our media establishment is.

You can be sure that with the red carpet rolled out for this author by virtually every major network and media show of every stripe, while every publication dutifully “summarizes” the “major revelations,” Poppy Bush will rightfully perceive himself to have won the war of perceptions over those who have struggled to unearth the truth.

At the same time, I can’t help wondering if, deep down, George H.W. Bush doesn’t feel just a little bit frustrated that his life has been reduced to a bland fiction — when it really is such an extraordinary story…

CIA Director George H.W. Bush listens at a meeting following the assassinations in Beirut, 1976 - NARA [1280×892]
CIA Director George H.W. Bush listens at a meeting following the assassinations in Beirut, 1976 – NARA [1280×892]}










JFK II - The Bush Connection [1∶56∶43] [gZdd7aIDW9M]


 Step by step, this movie proves that JFK’s assassination was perpetrated by forces within our own government.

  The author of this documentary takes it even a step further and shows how George Bush Senior is connected to the murder of JFK.

  A thoroughly documented criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt, his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to murder John Kennedy.

  Relies exclusively on government documents and the publicly acknowledged statements and histories of the guilty parties.

  The most shocking thing about the assassination is not the brutality of it.

  It was brutal, certainly. But the most amazing thing is the way the established media today managed to pretend that there is any question about whether his murder was a conspiracy. JFK II reveals the truth about the JFK assassination on November 22, 1963. Still today, over forty years later, the official government story featuring the “magic bullet theory” is considered part of history.







 This is not the first time and surely will not be the last that George H.W. Bush, former Director of the CIA and the 41st President of the United States, has been implicated in the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, our 35th president.  In an earlier study, for example, “Was George H.W. Bush involved in the assassination of JFK?”, John Hankey and I both address this question, where he provides a great deal of evidence supporting a role for GHWB in the Dealey Plaza turkey shoot. In this new study, Richard Hooke substantiates that claim and advances additional proof of his own.  I believe that they are right.

That GHWB knew Malcolm “Mac” Wallace from Yale is especially stunning.  “Mac” Wallace was LBJ’s personal hit man and murdered as many as a dozen persons for Lyndon, including one of his own sisters, who was talking too much about his business to allow her to continue to speak.  There is substantial proof that LBJ was involved in the assassination, where his life had been dedicated to becoming “the president of all the people”.  As Phil Nelson, LBJ: Mastermind of JFK’s Assassination (2nd revised edition, 2011) documents, he was relentless in its pursuit.  Madeleine Duncan Brown, Texas in the Morning (1997), Barr McClellan, Blood, Money & Power (2003), and Billy Sol Estes, A Texas Legend (2004), have also identified LBJ as the pivotal player, which has been confirmed by E. Howard Hunt, “Last Confessions” (2007), who identified LBJ, Cord Meyer, David Atlee Phillips, William Harvey and David Sanchez Morales as in “the chain of command”.

Even Jack Ruby, who was in the position to know, asserted that,if someone else had been Vice President, the assassination would never have occurred.  McClellan concluded that Texas oil men, such as Clint Murchison and H. L. Hunt, had provided financing for the assassination in order to preserve the oil depletion allowance at 27.5%, which remained unchanged under LBJ.  I had over 100 conversations with Madeleine Duncan Brown, who began an affair with Lyndon in 1948 and bore him a son, Steven, in 1950 (who was not his only child out of wedlock but was his only male offspring), who told me about their renderzvous at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, TX, on New Year’s Eve, only six weeks after the assassination, when she confronted him with rumors that he had been involved, since no one stood to gain more personally, whereupon Lyndon blew up and told her that the CIA and the oil boys had decided that JFK had to be taken out.  And that Mac Wallace was involved is not in serious doubt.

Wallace went to work for Harry Lewis and L & G Oil. In 1970 he returned to Dallas and began pressing Edward Clark for more money for his part in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. According to Barr McClellan it was then decided to kill Wallace. “He had to be eliminated. After driving to see his daughter in Troup, Texas, he went by L & G’s offices in Longview, Texas. There his exhaust was rigged for part of it to flow into his car.”On 7th January, 1971, Malcolm Wallace was killed while driving into Pittsburg, Texas. He appeared to have fallen asleep and after leaving the road crashed his car. Wallace died of massive head injuries.

Soon afterwards Clifton C. Carter died aged 53. 1971 was also the year Billie Sol Estes was due to leave prison. According to Clint Peoples, a Texas Ranger based in Austin, Billie Sol Estes had promised to tell the full story of the death of Henry Marshall when he obtained his freedom.

On 9th August, 1984, Estes’ lawyer, Douglas Caddy, wrote to Stephen S. Trott at the U.S. Department of Justice. In the letter Caddy claimed that Wallace, Billie Sol EstesLyndon B. Johnson and Cliff Carter had been involved in the murders of Henry MarshallGeorge KrutilekHarold Orr, Ike Rogers, Coleman WadeJosefa JohnsonJohn Kinser and John F. Kennedy. Caddy added: “Mr. Estes is willing to testify that LBJ ordered these killings, and that he transmitted his orders through Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace, who executed the murders.”

This is consistent with Billy Sol’s interview with French investigative reporter, William Reymond, during which he explained that Lyndon had sent his chief administrative assistant, Cliff Carter, down to Dallas to make sure that all the arrangements for the assassination were in place, which he reaffirms in A Texas Legend (2004).  Billy Sol knew both Cliff Carter and “Mac” Wallace personally, inferring their involvement from personal conversations. A copy of email correspondence between John Simkin of The Education Forum and Douglas Caddymay be found on amazon.com, which substantiates Lyndon’s use of Cliff Carter to convey instructions to “Mac” Wallace to commit those crimes.  I am therefore stunned to discover that GHWB and “Mac” Wallace were both members of Skull & Bones at Yale.

Was Malcolm Wallace In Skull & Bones Photograph With George Bush~!¿!¡!~[1032x640] (94s)
Was Malcolm Wallace In Skull & Bones Photograph With George Bush~!¿!¡!~[1032×640] (94s)
Aside from the general similarities shared by Bush’s Bones buddy and known photos of Malcolm Wallace, there is the striking centering of the chin a bit to his right of his nose. All of the photos show this. The hairline matches perfectly, too. He also wears similar low-profile glasses. Apparent differences are irregular eyebrows in the Wallace photos. I think it’s the same guy.
The information I find on Malcolm Wallace says he was born in Texas to farmer parents, joined the navy in 1939, got hurt and went to college in Texas, and in 1947, the year this Yale Skull & Bones photo was supposedly taken, studied at Columbia in NYC. Later he was introduced to Lyndon Johnson by Edward Clarke. Part of the story must be missing.
I haven’t been able to put the names to the faces in this picture, but one of the names is Richard Gerstle Mack. Richard Gerstl was a German painter who, according to Wikipedia, did not become known in the United States until after WW2. And, of course, “Mac” Wallace is the subject of my inquiry. I wonder…?
Whether or not that’s him in the Skull & Bones picture, there must be more to the story of how a graduate student gets introduced to Senator Johnson by Edward Clarke and comes out of it with a federal job…


According to The Warren Repor (1964), three shots were fired during the assassination.  The FBI and the Secret Service concluded that day that the first had hit JFK in the back, the second had hit John Connally in the back, and the third had hit JFK in the back of the head, killing him.  It would later surface that one shot that had been fired had missed and injured a distant bystander, James Tague.  For those who believed more than three shots had been fired, this was not especially problematic, where it turns out that eight, nine or ten shots appear to have been fired from six different locations.  (See, for example, “Dealey Plaza Revisited: What happened to JFK?”)  But for those who are committed to only three, it posed a delicate predicament, which led to the fabrication of the “magic bullet” theory that the back shot had actually hit the back of his neck, exited his throat, and entered the back of Connally.

 All of the evidence is against it; indeed, it is not only provably false but not even anatomically possible, insofar as cervical vertebrae intervene, as I explain in “Reasoning about Assassinations”.  It nevertheless became the fulcrum of the “official account”, since otherwise the throat wound and the wounds to Connally have to be explained on the basis of other shots and other shooters.  Extensive, meticulous and detailed examination of the medical, ballistic and eyewitness testimony supports the conclusion that JFK was hit four times–once in the back (from behind); once in the throat (from in front); and twice in the head (once in the back of the head from behind and once in the right temple from the right/front).  None of those shots appear to have been fired from the 6th floor “assassin’s lair” but three from the Dal-Tex, where the acoustics were such that they sounded as though they could have been fired from the Texas School Book Depository.  Richard’s study suggests that GHWB was at that window of the Dal-Tex:

 Let me emphasize that this is my analysis of the shot sequence, which I have elaborated in several places, including “What happened to JFK–and why it matters today” (UW-Madison, 22 November 2011), where Richard does not necessarily agree with me, even though we both believe three shots were fired from the Dal-Tex, which is the subject that he addresses in his study below. One appears to have missed and injured James Tague. Another appears to have hit the chrome strip above the windshield. And the third appears to have hit JFK in the back of his head. In particular, Richard believes that another shot was fired from behind the picket fence, which Ed Hoffman, among others, supports. And I agree that there may have been yet another shooter.

Jim Fetzer∶ What Happened To JFK And Why It Matters Today (110∶57)➤
Jim Fetzer∶ What Happened To JFK And Why It Matters Today (110∶57)➤


❖ •    An extensive, thorough and detailed explanation of what happened to JFK, how it was covered up, who was responsible and how it changed the course of American history. Presented on 22 November 2011, the occasion of the 48th observance of the death of our 35th President at the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the sponsorship of the Sifting and Winnowing Club. The speaker, Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer and McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, has chaired or co-chaired four national conferences on JFK and edited three books on the subject as well as giving hundreds of interviews, including three on JFK on “Coast to Coast AM”…


  George H.W. Bush was working for the CIA at least as early as 1961; more than likely he was recruited in his college days, at Yale, when he was in the Skull and Bones Society. He and his wife Barbara moved to Houston where he ran an offshore oil drilling business, Zapata Offshore Co., which was a CIA front company with rigs located all over the world, making it very convenient for him to vanish for weeks at a time on CIA business where one would suspect what he was doing. Bush was a major organizer and recruiter for the Bay of Pigs invasion, which was codenamed Operation ZAPATA. Col. Fletcher Prouty, former Pentagon high ranking official, who was the basis for the “Col. X” character in Oliver Stone’s “JFK”, obtained two Navy ships for the operation that were repainted to non-Navy colors and then renamed HOUSTON and BARBARA.

George H.W. “Poppy” Bush is one of the few who could never recall where he was or what he was doing when JFK was assassinated; as a matter of fact, for over 20 years, he could not recall any details at all. He was 39 years old at the time andchairman of the Harris County (Houston) Republican Party and an outspoken critic of JFK. But on 21 November 1963, GHWB was staying at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Dallas and spoke that very evening to the American Association of Oil Drilling Contractors. Some time later, he was reportedly at “the ratification meeting” at the home of Clint Murchison, Sr., receiving last minute instructions and toasting JFK’s murder the night before it happened. [NOTE: Madeleine Duncan Brown has written about this event in her book, Texas in the Morning (1997). It was corroborated by Nigel Turner in Part 9, “The Guilty Men”, of “The Men who Killed Kennedy”…

The Men Who Killed Kennedy - Part 9 - The Guilty Men (2003) (45∶12)➤
The Men Who Killed Kennedy – Part 9 – The Guilty Men (2003) (45∶12)➤



  The Men Who Killed Kennedy is a video documentary series by Nigel Turner that originally aired in 1988 in England with two one-hour segments about the John F. Kennedy assassination. The United States corporation, Arts & Entertainment Company, purchased the rights to the original two segments. Three one-hour segments were added in 1991. A sixth segment was added in 1995. Finally, three additional hourly segments were added by the History Channel in November 2003. The ninth segment, titled “The Guilty Men”, directly implicated Lyndon B. Johnson. Within days, Johnson’s widow, Lady Bird Johnson, more of his surviving associates, ex-President Jimmy Carter, and the lone, living Warren Commission commissioner and ex-President Gerald R. Ford immediately complained to the History Channel. They subsequently threatened legal action against Arts & Entertainment Company, owner of the History Channel. “The Guilty Men” segment was completely withdrawn by the History Channel. Also during the series, French prisoner Christian David named Lucien Sarti as one of three French criminals hired to carry out the assassination of Kennedy, when he was interviewed by author Anthony Summers. This claim is one of the most strongly investigated theories presented on the show.


Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig reported to Jim Garrison he knew of twelve arrests made in Dealey Plaza that day. One, in particular, was made by R.E. Vaughn of the Dallas Police Department, was of a man coming out of the Dal-Tex Building, who said he was “an independent oil operator from Houston, Texas.” The prisoner was taken from Vaughn by Dallas Police detectives, and that was the last he saw of him:  no mug shot, no interview, no fingerprints, or name is in existence of this mystery man. “Independent oil operator from Houston” was always George Bush’s (CIA) cover. Exactly why was he arrested? Garrison reported the man came running out of the Dal-Tex building and authorities could hardly avoid arresting him because of the clamor of onlookers. He was taken to the Sheriff’s Office for questioning, although there is no record of it. Afterward, two officers escorted him out of the building to the jeers of the waiting crowd. They put him in a police car and he was driven away; presumably right back to Dealey Plaza, because that is where he would be photographed with USAF Gen. Edward Lansdale.

Ed Landsdale was identified walking past “the three tramps” (center) by no less authorities than L. Fletcher Prouty, the liaison between the Pentagon and the CIA for covert activities–who was the basis for the figure, “Col. X”, in Oliver Stone’s “JFK”, and Victor Krulak, former Commandant of the Marine Corps, both of whom knew him well.

As for the identity of GHWB, we have these observations from Ralph Cinque, a professional chiropractor, who is an expert in dealing with person’s bodies and clothing, “The case for George HW being there is cinched. What’s the serious alternative? That a simply amazing coincidence occurred in which a man who  looked strikingly like him just happened to be there? How many times does V (for Vendetta in the film, “V for Vendetta”) have to tell us that he, like God, does not play dice and does not believe in coincidences? Neither do I or any other serious student of murder,  especially not when it involves the JFK assassination.” We have a photo of him standing in front of the Texas School Book Depository; we have photos of Ed Lansdale in Dealey Plaza at the time; and we have yet another in which Lansdale, who was famous for arranging assassinations around the world, is waiting to speak to him.  In this case, it may justifiably be said that “these pictures really are worth more than a thousand words”.


  The next that we hear of George H.W. Bush on 22 November 1963 comes from an FBI Memorandum according to which GHWG, having been cut loose from his anonymous interrogation at the Dallas Sheriff’s Office, called into SAC Graham W. Kitchel of the FBI Office in Houston alleging was establishing a phony alibi in saying he recalled hearing, in recent weeks, a man named James Parrott talking of killing the President when he came to Houston. Shortly after Bush made this call, FBI agents were dispatched to the Parrot house. In another FBI memo Parrot’s mother said James, who was not home when the FBI arrived, had been home all day helping her care for her son Gary.

  Mrs. Parrot advised that shortly after 1 PM a Mr. Reynolds came by and talked to her son about painting some signs at Republican Headquarters on Waugh Drive. The net effect was Kerney Reynold’s, George Bush’s assistant, gave Parrot an alibi and Parrot was Bush’s alibi; everyone’s ass was covered. A bogus phone call reporting a would-be assassin who was one of Bush’s Republican Party sign-painters; who himself is also freed by an alibi from one of Bush’s buddies, really doesn’t cut it; this is CIA Alibi 101. This type of stuff cannot be allowed to stand in history; if Bush was so concerned about his sign painter, why didn’t he call in to alert the FBI before President Kennedy came to Dallas?

 Bush has handed us his head on a silver platter with this memo; that’s why he always said he didn’t remember what his was doing on 11/22/63; he was hoping this incredibly stupid memo never surfaced. Bush was worried he had been seen and subsequently panicked and stupidly called the FBI, thinking he was being clever by providing evidence that it wasn’t him that was arrested in front of the Dal-Tex building that day. It seemed like a good idea, at the time, but he was actually creating a permanent record of his involvement. The memo identifies Bush as an oil man from Houston placing a long distance call from Tyler, Texas. Bush was trying to establish he was not in Dallas during, or shortly after, the assassination. He must had been worried that someone would identify him as the oil man detained running out of the Dal-Tex building and being ushered in and out of the Dallas Sheriff’s office.

This FBI memo (above), dated 22 November 1963, states that Bush called from Tyler, Texas but there is no proof he was actually there. For over 20 years after the assassination, Bush said he did not remember where he was when the assassination took place at 12:30 PM in Dallas.  The only other person of whom I hae heard such a story was Richard Nixon, who flew out of Love Field just two hours before JFK flew in.

Conspicuously, this FBI memo fails to provide an answer to where George Bush actually was. The memo, however, does tell us that the first moment Bush was free to create a phony alibi was at 1:45 PM. Bush was staying in downtown Dallas at the Sheraton Hotel, just few blocks from Dealey Plaza, yet he’s trying to tell us he was in Tyler, Texas at 1:45 PM.

George Bush’s CIA assignment was obviously in Dallas, that’s why he was staying there, so what would he have been doing in Tyler? JFK had just been shot at 12:30 PM. Would  Bush not have been in Dallas at 12:30 PM as well, like everyone else, which was presumably the reason for him having been in town at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel? Would Bush not have driven down the road to Parkland Hospital, to check on the President’s condition; like everyone else? Except Bush was being interrogated at the Sheriff’s Office.


Bush appears to be a candidate for prosecution for treason: his alibis for 22 November 1963 are fabricated and we have evidence that shows he was there. An FBI memo of a call from Tyler Texas does not prove his location, except that he had concocted a textbook CIA alibi, that he was lying and probably was an accessory to JFK’s murder. Bush maintained for over twenty years after the assassination that he simply did not remember what he was doing at the time of the assassination. As a matter of fact, he had no explanation even in his autobiography; and then, all of a sudden, he concocted a story that he was speaking in Tyler, Texas to The Rotary Club. Aubrey Irby said Bush was speaking when the bellhop came over and informed Aubrey that JFK was dead. Mr. Aubrey passed the info on to Mr. Wendell Cherry Irby, who passed it onto Bush, who stopped his speech. According to Irby, Bush explained he thought a political speech was inappropriate under the circumstances, concluded speaking and simply sat down.

It is inconceivable that George Bush could not have recollected this event for more than 20 years. Walter Cronkite’s announcement to the world that JFK was dead came on TV at 1:38 PM. Does anyone think that Bush was making a speech at that time, in Tyler, Texas, to the Rotary Club, after the President and Governor Connally were known to have been shot at 12:30 PM? President Kennedy had been scheduled to give a speech for lunch at the Dallas Trade Mart, after he passed through Dealey Plaza. Everyone who was anyone around Dallas was going to attend that speech; and after JFK was shot, most rushed to Parkland Hospital to find out the latest news concerning the gravely wounded President and Governor. A speech being given in Tyler, Texas, inside a building owned by right wingers, to a group of Republican JFK haters, hardly qualities as evidence Bush was not in Dallas, where the available evidence suggests that he was on assignment for the CIA and was supervising the Dal-Tex hit team, from which three shots appear to have been fired with a Mannlicher-Carcano, which appears to have been the the only non-silenced weapon that was used:


Next… George Bush can be seen in photos of Dealey Plaza, next to the TSBD doorway and Ed Lansdale, shortly following the assassination (see below). These photos, unmistakably George Bush, tell us where he went after he left the Dallas Sheriff’s Office: back to the crime scene to get an update on all that he had missed. He must have made his call to the FBI reporting James Parrot from the Dallas Sheriff’s Office, at 1:45 PM, becauseBush is seen in Dealey Plaza with Lansdale, who would leave the plaza at about 2 PM and walk past “the three tramps” toward the parking lot. Bush obviously had to go straight back to Dealey Plaza for him to be photographed with Lansdale, who remained around Dealey Plaza until Oswald was arrested at the Texas Theater at 1:50 PM. If Lee had not been arrested, then Lansdale, as “Plan B”, might have framed the three tramps–Charles Rogers, Charles Harrelson and Chauncey Marvin Holt (often misidentified as E. Howard Hunt)–who had been directed to go to a boxcar and the assassination have been blamed on them. Holt (CIA), the tramp with the hat, reported that they were found in the box car and taken through the plaza right after Oswald was arrested, which he knew because he was listening in, on a CIA provided radio concealed inside the paper bag that he is carrying in the familiar photos.


An FBI Memo from director J. Edgar Hoover (to the right), discovered by John McBride in 1988 but written just seven days after the assassination, provides verification George H.W. Bush was an officer of the CIA in 1963 and was provided updates on the anti-Castro Cubans. George Bush has said this memo was referring to another “George Bush” because he wasn’t in the CIA at the time.  But while there was another man by that name, he was a file clerk and would not have been receiving a memorandum about the Bay of Pigs operation.  And other information has surfaced showing the George Bush in the document was indeed George H.W. Bush and had the same address. In 1976, President Ford appointed George Bush as the Director of the CIA, replacing William Colby. Bush served in this role for 357 days, from 30 January  1976 to 20 January 1977. Bush falsely testified before Congress that he had never worked for the CIA, and it was widely reported that this was the first time that a civilian would be appointed to run the agency.  But that was more poppycock from Poppy. George Bush appears to have been a CIA lifer, probably recruited right out of Yale. 

George H.W. Bush (CIA) was also a close friend with George De Mohrenschildt (CIA), including they were both members of the Dallas Petroleum Club. After De Mohrenschildt was found shot to death the day before he was to be questioned by Gaeton Fonzi for the HSCA reinvestigation of the deaths of JFK and MLK in the late 1970s, Bush’s name and address were found in De Mohrenschildt’s address book: “Bush, George H.W. (Poppy) 1412 W. Ohio also Zapata Petroleum Midland.” CIA documents reveal that during the planning of the Bay of Pigs Operation (Operation Zapata), De Mohrenschildt made frequent trips to Mexico and Panama and gave reports to the CIA. His son-in-law also told the Warren Commission that he believed De Mohrenschildt was spying for the planned Cuban invasion. George De Mohrenschildt, notably, was Lee Harvey Oswald’s best friend and appears to have been his handler after Oswald was brought to Dallas in the fall of 1963 and would find work at the TSBD.


In The Killing of a President (1994), Robert Groden observes that a dark-complected man was seen in the window whom James Richards has identified to Jim Fetzer as having been Nestor “Tony” Izquierdo, for whom there is a statue in Freedom Park of “Little Havana”, Miami, Florida.  He was an anti-Castro Cuban, whom GHWB may have known from the Bay of Pigs.  I have built upon the prior research of Duncan MacRae, “Dal-Tex Shooter 2nd floor”, which provides the most suggestive interpretation of the location from which three rifle shots appear to have been fired:


  Given that Bush was in the building at the time, I infer that he was there in the background, inside the window of a broom closet of a uranium mining company on the second floor of the Dal-Tex building (which was a CIA asset). My interpretation is that someone with GHWB’s preppy haircut, large left ear, tall height, body language (head tilt), hairline part and forehead profile, was supervising the Dal-Tex hit team (see collage below). He was in Dallas for a reason, which was not to watch the presidential motorcade, and appears to have been a supervisor rather than a shooter, were it is very likely he was communicating using a radio device with a spotter. That spotter may have been Danny Arce (CIA), who can be seen speaking into a walkie-talkie, out on Houston Street (in the Altgens6 photo above), standing next to Johnny Roselli (CIA/Mafia). Arce was talking with someone as multiple shots were fired. Ruth Ann (CIA) was reported (by complicit witness Loy Factor) to have been counting down a cadence and to have been receiving information by walkie-talkie from the 6th floor of the TSBD.


 Umbrella Man’s companion, possibly Orlando Bosch (CIA) [NOTE: or Filipe Vidal Santiago], was not talking on his radio as limousine passed the Stemmons Freeway sign and the Umbrella man pumped his umbrella up and down, which appears to have been a signal to “keep firing” because the target was still alive.  [NOTE: It was at a location that was visible from all of the shooting locations that I have identified above.] Chauncey Holt (CIA), the oldest of the tramps, said he had a CIA supplied radio, concealed in his brown paper bag that kept him updated on events even from inside the Rock Island Railroad boxcar. Holt had delivered 15 sets of fake Secret Service ID and left them in a red pick-up truck parked in the lot behind the  grassy knoll, which was used by the Dallas Police Department, earlier that morning, facilitating the escape of the grassy knoll shooters. And Lee Bowers, the railway tower switchman, also testified to the Warren Commission that he observed strange people driving behind the picket fence and noticed one using a walkie-talkie.

Proof Sketch GWHB was there

(1) The FBI report (memo) Bush called in at 11/22/63 1:45 PM identified him as an oil business man from Houston, Texas and the FBI office he called was the Houston office.

(2) The man arrested running out of the Dal-Tex building at approximately 12:35 PM on 11/22 was said (per Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig) to have identified himself as “an oil man from Houston”. Bush was arrested by R.E. Vaughn of the Dallas Police Department.

(3) Bush called his FBI warning about James Parrot by long distance to his friend, FBI Special Agent Graham W. Kitchel, at the FBI office in Houston.

(4) James Parrot had no history as a subversive but was a sign painter for George Bush’s Republican Senate campaign.

(5) James Parrot was quickly provided an alibi by another friend, who was also an assistant of Bush, Kerney Reynolds.

(6) George Bush was staying in Dallas at the downtown Sheraton Hotel and had spent the previous night (of the 21st) there.

(7) There are at least two photos of George Bush (CIA) in Dealey Plaza speaking with police shortly after JFK was shot at 12:30 PM.

(8) One of those photos has Bush (CIA) standing next to Ed Lansdale (CIA).

(9) One of the photos shows Bush near the TSBD doorway in a zone police had cordoned off, which would have taken special ID (CIA).

(10) The photo next to Lansdale most likely was taken between 1:45 PM, when Bush called in his bogus FBI memo, and 2 PM, when Lansdale is pictured exiting the plaza passing the three tramps. The tramps were taken from the boxcar at approximately 1:50 PM, when Oswald was arrested at the Texas Theater.

(11) For over 20 years, George H.W. Bush said he did not remember what he was doing during the assassination, then he suddenly remembered he was giving a speech to the Rotary Club in Tyler at 1:38 PM, while his FBI call reporting James Parrot was placed at 1:45 PM.

(12) His attendance with Malcolm “Mac” Wallace at Yale, when “Mac” was LBJ’s personal hit man, and his attendance at the ratification meeting at the home of Clint Murchison, Sr., are powerful circumstantial evidence of his complicity in the assassination of JFK.


Remarkably, there is a figure (in the DCA film) walking off the corner of Houston & Elm and toward the Dal- Tex building, where “the oil man from Houston” (George H.W. Bush) had been arrested minutes earlier, who looks a great deal like his son, 17 year old George W. Bush.  This figures ear, nose (where a crude effort to change the nose has been made in the second of these three images), bridge indent and jawline are a very close match to George W. Bush, where the preppy loafers and white sox he’s wearing are cheerleader appropriate.  It looks like W. was there, too.

Richard M. Hooke, a student of anthropology at UC Santa Barbara and former computer systems analyst for Bank of America, is also a writer and researcher regarding the death of President John F. Kennedy.
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth and a columnist and editor for Veterans Today.










JFK Assassination Revelations (58∶03)➤
JFK Assassination Revelations (58∶03)➤



Upload Credit to Joe Friendly [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl76uF5GIuimTYxe-JjdsLA]
Compiled from youtube videos listed below here is collected a coherent explanation of the responsibility of elements of the US government in league with the Mafia for assassinating President John F. Kennedy. The 58 minute length was for presentation on cableTV Public Access show Truth For A Change in Manhattan on November 22, 2013 produced by Joe Friendly.  
JFK assassination: Secret Service Standdown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY02Qkuc_f8  
The JFK Assassination: What really happened http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A75PmAvBV38  
JFK Assassination Anniversary And Conspiracies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqV7Pdwiel4  
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJHWvqR03xs  








The Zapruder Film Mystery (85∶03) Doug Horne [Composite][969x717]}
The Zapruder Film Mystery (85∶03) Doug Horne [Composite][969×717]}

 The Zapruder Film Mystery »

Doug Horne interviews legendary NPIC photo interpreter Dino Brugioni (85m)

JFK Revelation

Published on Apr 13, 2016
Doug Horne interviews legendary NPIC photo interpreter Dino Brugioni about the second secret NPIC examination of the film the day after the assassination.

While serving as chief analyst of military records at the Assassination Records Review Board in 1997, Douglas Horne discovered that the Zapruder Film was examined by the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center two days after the assassination of President Kennedy.

In this film, Horne interviews legendary NPIC photo interpreter Dino Brugioni, who speaks for the first time about another NPIC examination of the film the day after the assassination. Brugioni didn’t know about the second examination and believes the Zapruder Film in the archives today is not the film he saw the day after the assassination.

Drawing on Volume 4 of his book “Inside the ARRB”, Doug Horne introduces the subject and presents his conclusions…











Happy Kennedys . . ... and the Cast . . .... of Unusual Suspects
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Jack Kennedy – Half A Century of Images… 50 Years Later…



John F. Kennedy

Jack Kennedy [A Century of Images] [256²]Iconblkbdr'd}

50 Years Later…

[!]Jack Kennedy [American Photography - PBS - A Century of Images][579x729]@25%}maxacts³}»

American Photography – PBS – A Century of Images

[!]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (JacknJackie ~ Pg.31) [776x1057]} Coredblbdr'd}»

LIFE Remembers the Man…

and the Moment…

[~]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (FrontCover)} 50 Years Later...[894x1052]@25}highcleanbdr'd}bcs»

Fifty years ago on November 22, 1963, in Dallas’s Dealey Plaza, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated while traveling in a motorcade with his wife, Jacqueline…

[~]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Life Cover Nov.29 1963 ~ Kennedy 1917 - 1963 [862x1048]@25} highbdr'd}abcs»}

LIFE magazine, the weekly pictorial chronicle of events in America and throughout the world, was quickly on the scene.


[!!]Rose Kennedy's Family Album ~ The War Years (Pg.262-3)} [590x748]@25%}high}acts⧽»
[!!]Rose Kennedy’s Family Album ~ The War Years (Pg.262-3)} [590×748]@25%}high}acts⧽»
Rose Kennedy's Family Album ~ Joe Jr.}» Pg.304 [599x501]@25%}high}acts²}»
Rose Kennedy’s Family Album ~ Joe Jr.}» Pg.304 [599×501]@25%}high}acts²}»
[!]RKFA~Pg.312}» Joe Jr. [614x748]300p (@25%)}max}acts}[blkbdr'd']⧽»
[!]RKFA~Pg.312}» Joe Jr. [614×748]300p (@25%)}max}acts}[blkbdr’d’]⧽»
[~]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Navy Jack - Pg.19)} 50 Years Later...[795x1033]@25%} maxbdr'd}abcs²}»
LIFE – The Day Kennedy Died (Navy Jack – Pg.19)} 50 Years Later…[795×1033]@25%} maxbdr’d}abcs²}»

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[!]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (PT-109 ~ Pg.18) [795x589]@25%}highacs}»
LIFE – The Day Kennedy Died (PT-109 ~ Pg.18) [795×589]@25%}highacs}»
[!]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (PT-109 » Pg.18) [795x562]@25%}highacts}»
LIFE – The Day Kennedy Died (PT-109 » Pg.18) [795×562]@25%}highacts}»

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[!!!]RKFA~Pg.303}» Coconut Jack [584x749]300p(@25%)}maxacts²}⧽³d}⧽»
[!!!]RKFA~Pg.303}» Coconut Jack [584×749]300p(@25%)}maxacts²}⧽³d}⧽»
Rose Kennedy's Family Album ~ Pg.330} Eunice, Jack, Moe & Teddy}[606x474]}high}acts»
Rose Kennedy’s Family Album ~ Pg.330} Eunice, Jack, Moe & Teddy}[606×474]}high}acts»

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The Kennedys had been our story: Jack and Jackie made the cover in his sailboat before they were married…

[~]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Enter Jackie ~ Pg.22-23)} 50 Years Later...[1605x1033]@25} highbdr'd}bcs»

[~]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (President Kennedy ~ Pg.24)} 50 Years Later... [781x1041]@25}high}abcs»

[~]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Jack'n'Jackie ~ Pg.25)}[818x1037]@25%}highbdr'd}bcs»}

[~]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Starting a Family ~ Pg.26)} 50 Years Later... [795x1036]@25} highbdr'd}satc»

[~]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Starting a Family... Caroline ~ Pg.27) [805x562]@25%}high}act}»

[~]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Starting a Family... ~ Pg.27) [805x359]@25} highbdr'd}sa»


[!]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Kennedy Family ~ Pg.37) [799x519]@25%}highacts}»

All About History - Issue No.5_01[bdr'd]

All About History - Isuue No.5_02 [maxbdr'd]

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He was a fresh-faced senator from Massachusetts, and the White House doors had remained open to LIFE throughout his presidency…

[!]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Storm'n'd'WhiteHouse - Pg.32) [636x924]highacts}

[!]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Storm'n'd'WhiteHouse ~ Pg.32) [477x682]@50%}maxact}»

Cecil Stoughton’s photographs of Caroline and John-John in the Oval Office, Jackie’s tour of the renovation, tense behind-the-scenes moments during 13 days of the Cuban Missile Crisis-all of this appeared in LIFE… We needed to be in Dallas….

[~]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Triumps,Travails,&Tensions ~ Pg.34)} [810x629]@25}highbdr'd}s»


[~]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Presidential Campaign ~ Pg.29) [814x1031]@25%} highbdr'd}ssm»

In remembrance of John F. Kennedy [4491×3361] [blackbordered]


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LIFE (1963) Pg.24-25}» cmpst]}» [747x486]@12%}high}acts}»
LIFE (1963) Pg.24-25}» cmpst]}» [747×486]@12%}high}acts}»
LIFE (1963) Pg.26-27}» cmpst@12%}» [735x459]high}acts}»
LIFE (1963) Pg.26-27}» cmpst@12%}» [735×459]high}acts}»


LIFE (1963) Pg.102 [779x738]@25%}high}acts»

LIFE (1963) Pg.101..Cape Cod...[747x573]high}acts»
LIFE (1963) Pg.101..Cape Cod…[747×573]high}acts»


the Zapruder film… the hidden secret…

[!]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died [Zapruder Film] [Pg.79-80]} CompOverlay} [805x522]@12%}Highacts³}»

[!]LIFE – The Day Kennedy Died [Zapruder Film] [Pg.79-80]} CompOverlay} [805×522]@12%}Highacts³}»

[!]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died (Zapruder missing frames ~}» Pg.93)} [832x1041]@25%}highacts}»

[!]LIFE – The Day Kennedy Died (Zapruder missing frames ~}» Pg.93)} [832×1041]@25%}highacts}»

the Zapruder film… the Life Time Interpretation…

[!]LIFE - The Day Kennedy Died ~}» Zapruder Key Frames [Pg.81~Frame 17, 133]} [843x1051]@25%}highacts}»
[!]LIFE – The Day Kennedy Died ~}» Zapruder Key Frames [Pg.81~Frame 17, 133]} [843×1051]@25%}highacts}»
[~]LIFE -}~» Zapruder Key Frames [Pg.82-3 Frames 155-6, 208-11,161,188,210,223]} [800x522]@12%}highaccts²}»
[~]LIFE -}~» Zapruder Key Frames [Pg.82-3 Frames 155-6, 208-11,161,188,210,223]} [800×522]@12%}highaccts²}»
[~]LIFE -}~» Zapruder Key Frames [Pg.84-5 Frames 228,262,285, 298]} [808x524]@12%}highacts²}»
[~]LIFE -}~» Zapruder Key Frames [Pg.84-5 Frames 228,262,285, 298]} [808×524]@12%}highacts²}»
[~]LIFE -}~» Zapruder Key Frames [Pg.86-7 Frames 313,333,359 & 367]} [801x523]@12%}high}acts³}»
[~]LIFE -}~» Zapruder Key Frames [Pg.86-7 Frames 313,333,359 & 367]} [801×523]@12%}high}acts³}»
[~]LIFE -}~» Zapruder Key Frames [Pg.88-9 Frames 387,347,412&474]} [800x522]@12%}high}acts³}»
[~]LIFE -}~» Zapruder Key Frames [Pg.88-9 Frames 387,347,412&474]} [800×522]@12%}high}acts³}»
TDKD)}Pg.90 Abraham Zapruder [809x1046]@25%}max}acts}»

Abraham Zapruder… Courtesy of Alexandra Zapruder…


The Fake Zapruder Film (9∶59) Through the Looking Glass [5BEsAkXVeVM]

[ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ]} The Fake Zapruder Film (9∶59) Through the Looking Glass… {[ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ]
The Fake Zapruder Film (9∶59) Through the Looking Glass… «{(Max 480p)[5BEsAkXVeVM]
Uploaded on Oct 26, 2010
On November 22, 1963, U.S. President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed while traveling down Elm Street, Dallas, Texas, in an open car in a motorcade. Everyone agrees about that.

Many people think that agencies of the U.S. Government have lied about or covered up details of the assassination.

For three decades, people thought the best proof of foul play was a 27-second home movie of the assassination taken by a Dallas dressmaker, Abraham Zapruder. It shows JFK’s head being blasted backwards and to his left:

This seems to tell us that the shooter was in front of the car on the right side, on the “grassy knoll” (small hill) next to Elm Street. But the U.S. Government insisted that JFK was shot by just one man hiding in a building far behind the limousine.

Things get more complicated when we look at the film frame-by-frame. As the bullet hits, JFK’s head first moves forwards:

This makes things confusing. There seemed to be three possible explanations:

1. He was hit by two bullets at almost the same time (one from behind and then one from the front).

2. He was hit from behind, and a jet of brain matter exploding from the front caused his head to recoil backwards.

3. He was hit from behind and some sort of muscle reaction caused his head to fly backwards.

People tried to figure this out for three decades. Instead of clearing up the mystery, Zapruder’s film just made things more confusing.

In the 1990s, researchers started to realize that there was a fourth possible explanation. Zapruder’s film might also be a part of the lies and cover-up that agencies of the U.S. Government had weaved around the JFK assassination!

Scientists examined the Zapruder film. They found that, while most of it looks completely genuine, some of the images are impossible. They violate the laws of physics. They could not have come from Zapruder’s home movie camera.

Zapruder’s film is a very good forgery. It is almost perfect. Some mistakes took almost 40 years to find.

The scientists also proved that Zapruder’s film was not just changed a little bit. The whole film is a fake!

A movie film is just a strip of little photos (“frames”). The fake film was made by cutting and pasting real photos and film frames together to make new frames.

Because the Zapruder film is only 27 seconds long, less than 500 photos needed to be made. The forgers had almost a year to create them, before they were published. This was not difficult to do in 1963 and 1964. People had been creating high quality fake photos since the 1850s!

But what about the people who watched Zapruder’s film in the days after the assassination?

Film experts believe that a real film of the assassination was quickly altered on the evening of the assassination, using machines that could create Hollywood-style special effects (like Mary Poppins, created in 1964). Since the film was not shown on television, no one knows exactly what these people saw. But we do know that they described a film that is different to the film published in November 1964 as the “Zapruder Film”!


JFK’s revenge part 1- the Zapruder film was ᴀᴌᴛⱻᴙᴚᴈ₯]!…

Uploaded on Jul 31, 2008
An analysis of the JFK asassination footage known as the Zapruder film

Addendum: Some of you are like the south end of a north-bound mule. The film is FAKE. It is a composite. Take the figures of people and freeze and rotate them and they do not match up to the video taken from the reverse angle – which only shows the car speeding away. The fake film also contradicts corroborating eyewitness testimony, the grass looks like astro-turf, the plaza was not blocked off and there were actually 3 times as many people there watching than shown in the “film” and the people further away are actually larger than people closer to the supposed camera, i.e. a “composite”. do-you-get-it?

A few quick points;
– There were shots, diversionary shots and blanks being fired from everywhere, including the knoll. That is probably why some people cling to the idea that some sort of “kill” shot was fired from there.
– The street sign in the film is fake. It does not appear in any of the other research videos, I never saw it when I went there and Abraham Zapruder never mentions it in his testimony. It’s also out of perspective.
– I think the driver “appears” to have a gun or even fire a shot because there was a “jump cut” at that moment (there may never have been a handgun in the car at all). I can’t say for sure what his involvement was but I am certain he slammed on the brakes.
– The idea of a trunk weapon is plausible, but I have no idea what it could have been or how it worked. I think it’s more likely that the shot came from the area of the mooreman/muchmore characters in this fake film. However, 8 people in Dealy plaza testified that they saw Kennedy’s FOOT sticking out of the limo over the door: which means whatever delivered the headshot drove him foreward possibly to the limo floor. (those 8 people were dead by ’64)

Jackie was DEFINATELY trying to get out of the car. I think it looks like she’s reaching for something because she has something in her hand already. What exactly is anyones guess (It’s not a piece of his brain, that’s just dumb).
*Pay attention to the grill on the limo. It changes shape after emerging from behind the phoney highway sign.*
1) the limo has a different grill when it emerges from the fake road sign. 2) the road sign IS fake; and the perspective is all wrong. 3) the cops on motorcycles are twice as big as the motorcycles. 4) the crowd number more than doubles in size on the corner of dealy (houston) and elm in less than 2.4 seconds. 5) the distace to the people on the lawn is disperportionate to the people in the car, (ie objects farther away were actually larger in the film.) 6) the film as manufactured, thats the point. 7) Who owns time life? (they had the best opportunity and equipment to fake video at that time)
8) There are no witnesses to Zapruder even filming the event (including photo and video) He is just a cog in the wheel of the official story which is bogus. 9) the supposed photo evidence of zapruder filming shows three different men standing in 3 different places. 10) the photos and the video are entirely different and out of sync. Most of the photos from the reverse angle show a predominantly afro-american female crowd on the sidewalk, this “film” does not. 11) Sorry agent man. Unless you happen to be OJ Simpson, you’re not catching a moving car, unless it stops. Which it did…

[ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ]} The Zapruder Film Mystery (85∶03) Doug Horne{[ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ]

The Zapruder Film Mystery (85∶03) Doug Horne [Composite][969x717]}
The Zapruder Film Mystery (85∶03) Doug Horne [Composite][969×717]}»►
The Zapruder Film Mystery (85∶03) Doug Horne «{(Max 480p)
e2filmsrevolution [Doug Horne,Peter Janney,Dino Brugioni]
Published on Aug 15, 2014

While serving as chief analyst of military records at the Assassination Records Review Board in 1997, Douglas Horne discovered that the Zapruder Film was examined by the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center two days after the assassination of President Kennedy.

In this film, Horne interviews legendary NPIC photo interpreter Dino Brugioni, who speaks for the first time about another NPIC examination of the film the day after the assassination. Brugioni didn’t know about the second examination and believes the Zapruder Film in the archives today is not the film he saw the day after the assassination.

Drawing on Volume 4 of his book “Inside the ARRB”, Doug Horne introduces the subject and presents his conclusions…


[ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ][Murder in Dealey Plaza – James Fetzer’s Zapruder Analysis][ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ]

Murder in Dealey Plaza - The Great Zapruder Film Hoax [670x510]Rdx'd'

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[ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ]}» d’Zapruder film… d’Hoax of the Century… «{[ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ]

The Great Zapruder Film Hoax [XCigDMyHisE] Jack White

[ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ]}» d’Zapruder film… d’Hoax of the Century… «{[ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ]

The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (57∶33) ‘uv’d’Century – Jack White «{(Max 480p)
Brad Veilleux
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCigDMyHisE «{[!!!
Published on Jul 20, 2012
Even this film has noticeable cuts and bruises. Our adversary will never stop diligently laboring to prevent us from learning the truth.

Watching the tremendous amount of the cover-up work done on the Internet today, one may begin to appreciate what the “Big Government” term really means.

Trying to estimate the cost of the cover-ups, one may come in touch with the physical embodiment of the abstract term “unlimited resources” and how deeply can affect everyone’s life those that own the money printing presses.

Better read the book:
Uploaded and described by AlBoesch on Jul 5, 2009

“Scientists examined the Zapruder film. They found that, while most of it looks completely genuine, some of the images are impossible. They violate the laws of physics. They could not have come from Zapruders home movie camera.

Zapruders film is a very good forgery. It is almost perfect. Some mistakes took almost 40 years to find.

The scientists also proved that Zapruders film was not just changed a little bit. The whole film is a fake!

A movie film is just a strip of little photos (frames). The fake film was made by cutting and pasting real photos and film frames together to make new frames.

Because the Zapruder film is only 27 seconds long, less than 500 photos needed to be made. The forgers had almost a year to create them, before they were published. This was not difficult to do in 1963 and 1964. People had been creating high quality fake photos since the 1850s!

But what about the people who watched Zapruders film in the days after the assassination?

Film experts believe that a real film of the assassination was quickly altered on the evening of the assassination, using machines that could create Hollywood-style special effects (like Mary Poppins, created in 1964). Since the film was not shown on television, no one knows exactly what these people saw. But we do know that they described a film that is different to the film published in November 1964 as the Zapruder film!

In May 2003, scientists and researchers presented their latest findings at a conference in Duluth, Minnesota. This has now been described in a book, The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, published in September 2003.

The web pages below describe the best proofs that the Zapruder film is a fake. They describe some of the mistakes that the forgers made.

You can save any of these web pages by going to the File / Save As menu on your web browser. The images and small movie clips shown on each page will also be automatically saved with each web page.

If you want more details, please read The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. It contains much more information about the Zapruder film and its forgery. An earlier book, Murder in Dealey Plaza, has more information about the whole assassination and its cover-up.

In the end, you have to decide for yourself what to believe. But dont just believe what the U.S. Government tells you!

* * * * *

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Video uploaded for nonprofit, educational purposes only under the “fair use” provision of U.S. Code, Title 17, section 107.”
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License



LIFE (1963) Pg.104...Hyannis Port...[612x813]@20%}hgh}acts²}»
LIFE (1963) Pg.104…Hyannis Port…[612×813]@20%}hgh}acts²}»



[ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ][… [http://www.JFKRevelations.yolasite.com] … ][ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ]

Robin Unger}@}» JFKAssassinationImages.net


A new discovery ROFLMAO

Is this supposed to be a new discovery ?

We have known for years that the woman in Altgens 6 is Maggie Brown


Holly crap , have you guys just worked that out.  ?

they have finally decoded Dons Plat.  ROFLMAO

Typical O.I.C. always late to the party.



Credit: Don Roberdeau





Zapruder frame Z315 / Muchmore frame 44 / Nix frame 25

Cinque post showing he hasn’t got a clue which Muchmore frame equates to Mary Moorman’s polaroid.

he just takes a wild guess, and is no where near Muchmore frame 44




These frames show the Timeline equating to when Mary Moorman snapped her polaroid.



Muchmore frame M44



The O.I.C website

The late Jack white is listed as a senior member.

he said that the Moorman polaroid is “Authentic” and that it was taken by Mary Ann Moorman.




Cinque has lost the plot

Cinque quote:

Why, therefore, does Psychedelic Lovelady have a beard, with a thick carpet of facial hair growing all the way over to the edge of his nose?


since Billy Lovelady is Doorway man

that means that Cinque must think that Doorway man in Altgens has a beard.  ROFLMAO




Cinque realizing that the beard story wasn’t going to fly then makes a follow up post.


Cinque quote:

did Billy Lovelady have a beard? That is a separate issue which has to be determined independently.

And we know now- beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt- that Billy Lovelady did not have a beard on 11/22/63. By his own words, he had shaved the night before and had only overnight growth. His words: overnight growth. It means that he mostly definitely did not have a beard.

Therefore, in pointing out that Gorilla Man had a beard, Harold Weisberg was, in effect, saying that he wasn’t Lovelady, that he couldn’t be Lovelady, that the beard ruled him out to be Lovelady.

Nice try Cinque

But we know exactly what Harold said regarding the Martin frame:

Martin film yielded this photo of Billy Lovelady wearing a plaid shirt

Harold said it, and since Harold passed on without changing his statement

that means it is set in stone. ( and no amount of yellow brick road “beard” bullshit diversion is going to change that fact )






Month: August 2015

Cinque has X-Ray Vision

It allows him to see things in dark muddy images that the rest of us can’t see.

Cinque quote:

notice that the pergola no longer looks like the Leaning Tower of Piza. It looks vertical. It’s not parallel with the top of the picture, but that’s because the top of the picture should be horizontal and it isn’t. If it were horizontal, then the pergola would be parallel to it.

So, the tilted version looks better, much better, but how do you account for it? Do you want to say that Mary had her camera tilted? No, she didn’t.

Cinque admits that he is just guessing

Are you paying attention Ralph

because i am going to bury your stupid theory that this frame equates to the Moorman photo


Your image isn’t even close to frame Z-315

Your frame is BEFORE the headshot ?




Muchmore headshot frame:


And this frame equates to Zapruder Z-315


Cinque didn’t understand Lance Uppercut’s excellent maps

It went straight over his head.

So i will try to dumb it down for him.

There is only one position on the grass from where the alignment of the pedestal and pergola opening

appears as it does in the Moorman Polaroid.

and that is Moormans true location on the grass.





This is how Jack Whites Moorman in the street theory was dis proven.

From the street the pedestal pergola opening alignment did not match the Moorman polaroid

The Moorman polaroid shows a GAP in between the corner of the pedestal and the pergola opening

Jack Whites image doesn’t shown the GAP

quote Lance Uppercut:







Month: August 2015

Bob Richter CBS

To view photo’s full size ( right click mouse then click on view image )

Harold Weisberg Letter describing a color slide
This color slide was obviously made from the CBS Special, as Harold describes Bob Richter with his back to the camera, as he is facing Lovelady.

Groden Scan

Sneed ” No More Silence ”
Lovelady judgment against CBS


Mary Moorman turning to the left to follow the limo

To view photo’s full size ( right click mouse then click on view image )

We know Mary turned her body to follow the limo
while Mary Moorman is facing forward her blue coat remains closed.

As Mary turns her body to the left to follow the limo with her camera, the wind catches her blue coat and starts blowing it open.
Also it is obvious that the position of her arms change as she turns left

Zapruder GIF i made using the two frames shown above (stabilized on Mary)


Coverups November 1984 “Mary Moorman” Gary Mack

To view photo’s full size ( right click mouse then click on view image )







Month: August 2015

Josiah Thompson re: the Moorman copies

To view photo’s full size ( right click mouse then click on view image )

Josiah Thompson (The history behind the Drumscan)

‘ll try to explain. In the spring of 1967, I was done with my LIFE assignment and was putting together all the details that went into Six Seconds. Mary Moorman’s photograph was extremely important since it showed the knoll at Z 315. I had done some research with AP and Wide World in New York concerning the negatives and prints of the photo that they had. But the original Polaroid was sitting in Dallas. I paid Mary Moorman for the use of her photo in Six Second. Part of the deal was that she would let a professional photographer come to her house and copy the Polaroid. I hired a professional photographer to do this. He went to her home and copied the Polaroid using a medium format camera where the negative itself is about the size of Moorman’s Polaroid. It was that negative from forty-five years ago that I had scanned in San Francisco. The drum scan resulting may turn out to be the highest resolution copy of the Moorman photo extant since the Polaroid itself has deteriorated further with each passing decade.


Cinque said that he is going to Dealey Plaza

To view photo’s full size ( right click mouse then click on view image )

Cinque quote:
it would only count if you also duplicate what we see in the Moorman photo. You still have to capture that whole great expanse of area that is seen in the picture, from where Bill Newman was standing down to past the steps. It’s all got to be there, just like in the Moorman photo.
that’s probably why the only one who is ever going to try to do it is me.


The Mack / Thompson Moorman recreation photo

This is the same pergola opening and pedestal alignment Cinque will have to reproduce

if he can’t, then we will know he didn’t take the photo from Moormans correct location.


What short woman in front of Brehm ?

are you talking about Apron Man ?




Motorcycle height

To view photo’s full size ( right click mouse then click on view image )

Bill Miller’s research proved that the overall height from the ground to the top of the motorcycle windshield was 58- inches

The curb was approx 8-inches high and Mary Moorman was 60-inches high  ( Total=68 inches )

Mary Moorman’s camera height estimate,  approx 63-inches to the center of the lens



At about the same time, Bill Miller came up with a proof of dazzling simplicity.

Dr. John Costella’s work showed clearly that Moorman camera’s lens was looking down on the tops of the motorcycle windshields and the strut over the top of the limousine. “In other words,” Dr. Costella explained, “her camera was pointed very, very slightly ‘downwards.’”From this it follows that the Moorman camera was positioned higher than the top of the limousine and the tops of the motorcycle windshields. How high was the top of the limousine? Numerous sources give the height as 57 inches. How high were the tops of the motorcycle windshields? Here Miller became quite ingenious. He got in touch with a motorcycle museum in Sturgis, North Dakota which had one of the Dallas motorcade motorcycles on display. The museum properly inflated the tires and put a man weighing 225 pounds on the cycle. They then measured the distance to the top of the windshield. It was 58 inches. Given the eight-inch curb, Moorman’s camera as shown in the Zapruder film was most likely at a height above the pavement of at least 61 or 62 inches. Had she taken her
photo from the street, her camera would of necessity have been located above her head!!







The API Zippo… ‘n’HiRes…


Josiah Thompson re: the Moorman copies


To view photo’s full size ( right click mouse then click on view image )

Zippo (1144x650)








Image18 (Gordon Smith copy)


Josiah Thompson (The history behind the Drumscan)

‘ll try to explain. In the spring of 1967, I was done with my LIFE assignment and was putting together all the details that went into Six Seconds. Mary Moorman’s photograph was extremely important since it showed the knoll at Z 315. I had done some research with AP and Wide World in New York concerning the negatives and prints of the photo that they had. But the original Polaroid was sitting in Dallas. I paid Mary Moorman for the use of her photo in Six Second. Part of the deal was that she would let a professional photographer come to her house and copy the Polaroid. I hired a professional photographer to do this. He went to her home and copied the Polaroid using a medium format camera where the negative itself is about the size of Moorman’s Polaroid. It was that negative from forty-five years ago that I had scanned in San Francisco. The drum scan resulting may turn out to be the highest resolution copy of the Moorman photo extant since the Polaroid itself has deteriorated further with each passing decade.




Coverups November 1984 “Mary Moorman” Gary Mack








Mary Moorman turning to the left to follow the limo


To view photo’s full size ( right click mouse then click on view image )

We know Mary turned her body to follow the limo
while Mary Moorman is facing forward her blue coat remains closed.


As Mary turns her body to the left to follow the limo with her camera, the wind catches her blue coat and starts blowing it open.
Also it is obvious that the position of her arms change as she turns left…


Zapruder GIF i made using the two frames shown above (stabilized on Mary)









Robin Unger’s old Blog

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Cinque plays the alteration card (UPDATE 2)

The frames came from the PBS Nova  “Cold Case JFK” Documentary HD 720P


Make sure you change the HD setting to 720P

Then you can apologize for saying that i posted Doctored and Photoshopped frames.

And so you don’t have to do your whole “pause” freeze frame YouTube crap, where you couldn’t save a decent frame to save your life.

And because i am so sick of looking at your piss poor, dark, fuzzy, YouTube Muchmore frames, i will tell you how to download it.


Download Firefox Browser, and then search for the “Flash video downloader plug in” in Add-Ons
that “plug in” will then allow Firefox browser to save the video to file

Then download “Media Player Classic” and “ffdshow codec pack”

that combination then allows you to Pause the film, and advance the film one frame at a time, and save each frame to file



If you can’t do that, then you have no right doing photo analysis on the assassination films.
and it will show that you are just another two bit amateur playing at being a JFK photo researcher

Are you blind Ralph try this frame


More crap YouTube Muchmore frames from Cinque

Try this Version



Saturday, 15 August 2015

Motorcycle height (UPDATE)


Bill Miller’s research proved that the overall height from the ground to the top of the motorcycle windshield was 58- inches

The curb was approx 8-inches high and Mary Moorman was 60-inches high  ( Total=68 inches )

Mary Moorman’s camera hight was estimated to be approx 62-inches


At about the same time, Bill Miller came up with a proof of dazzling simplicity. 

Dr. John Costella’s work showed clearly that Moorman camera’s lens was looking down on the tops of the motorcycle windshields and the strut over the top of the limousine. “In other words,” Dr. Costella explained, “her camera was pointed very, very slightly ‘downwards.'” From this it follows that the Moorman camera was positioned higher than the top of the limousine and the tops of the motorcycle windshields. How high was the top of the limousine? Numerous sources give the height as 57 inches. How high were the tops of the motorcycle windshields? Here Miller became quite ingenious. He got in touch with a motorcycle museum in Sturgis, North Dakota which had one of the Dallas motorcade motorcycles on display. The museum properly inflated the tires and put a man weighing 225 pounds on the cycle. They then measured the distance to the top of the windshield. It was 58 inches. Given the eight-inch curb, Moorman’s camera as shown in the Zapruder film was most likely at a height above the pavement of at least 61 or 62 inches. Had she taken her
photo from the street, her camera would of necessity have been located above her head!!


motorcycle height



Ken McDonald composite



M43 Frame Showing the camera up to Mary Ann’s eye


M44 Frame Showing Mary Ann lower the camera and look up.





Friday, 14 August 2015

Officer Chaney (UPDATED)




Ralph doesn’t know the difference between the Nix film, and the Muchmore film

Once again, it wasn’t a Nix Frame, it was Muchmore






Cinque said that he is going to Dealey Plaza (UPDATE)

He is going to do an EXACT recreation of Mary Ann’s Polaroid while standing at the Babushka lady location

He said he will capture the exact viewpoint as seen in the polaroid
from the three men on the steps location across to the Bill Newman location
it will also have to show the tree location all the way across to the top of the pergola, and include the section to the right of Zapruder,

Cinque quote:
it would only count if you also duplicate what we see in the Moorman photo. You still have to capture that whole great expanse of area that is seen in the picture, from where Bill Newman was standing down to past the steps. It’s all got to be there, just like in the Moorman photo.
that’s probably why the only one who is ever going to try to do it is me. And the outcome is going to be exactly

Since the Moorman Polaroid was taken from Mary Ann’s location
and NOT the Babushka lady location, this exercise in futility is doomed to failure before it even begins.

This is the way Cinque’s photo needs to be framed
EXACTLY as shown here;

The Mack / Thompson Moorman recreation photo came close to capturing the full view, but it didn’t include all of the fencline behind the three men on the steps

That photo was taken from Mary Ann’s standing location.


(1) – They have to film from Moorman’s exact standing location
(2) – They have to have the photo framed exactly as we see it in the Moorman polaroid
(3) – They have to have the motorcycle in the right location, same position on elm st
same distance out from the curb.


Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Dracula coat turns into curtain ?

The so called Dracula coat combines two elements, on the left we see Martin emerging from behind Mary Ann, and on the right is Mary Ann’s coat.

Its just a composite of Martins uniform and Mary Ann’s coat.

Cinque uses the crappiest frame he could find, so that he can just make shit up /

Ammatuer hour at the Cinque “fortress of solitude” (UPDATED)

where Cinque feels safe and protected from the outside world, and can post all the crap that he just pulls out of thin air.

He knows it wont be challenged on his blog, because he doesn’t allow any comments to be posted.
Cinque is a dumb ass


Cinque said that he moved Mary Ann’s position closer to the curb

he did no such thing, she is still in the same location, he just rubbed out the bottom half of her picture.


Another thing

look at the size of the tiny people on the other side of the road

Mary Ann looks like she is from the land  of the giants


Saturday, 8 August 2015

Time out

Due to Joe Backes and Bpete having their blogs taken down
i have re-opened my blog.


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Ralph’s own photo proves him wrong
He insisted that Mary Moorman was NOT looking down on Martins motorcycle.

his own Muchmore frame proves that she was.

Muchmore frame
Cinque quote:

I don’t think anybody has done that in the history of humanity: be ready to take someone’s picture who was approaching from the right and not take it until he was this far past her. NEVER.

Oh Really

Have you ever heard of Altgens Ralph

quote: It stunned me so at what i saw, that i failed to do my duty and make the picture

Altgens then waited until the limo had gone past him and snapped Altgens 7




I stuffed up my frame numbering in Nix

The Ken McDonald composite below is correct

Ken’s composite frames appear in my gallery


This Full frame is equivalent to Ken’s N25 cropped frame

3-frame Nix GIF (N24,N25,N26)

Animation1 (b).gif


Thursday, 6 August 2015

Motorcycle composite ( UPDATE )

Showing the black tool box just behind the riders seat

This “black tool box” is what i see on Hargis’s motorcycle in Mary’s Polaroid

Zippo cropped2
Cinque has butchered the Zippo photo
What is this garbage ?

This is how it really looks…


Cinque quote:
Unfortunately, Jack White was wrong in saying that the Zippo lighter image of the Moorman photo was genuine.



Clint Hill / Nix

Ralph is wrong as usual, Clint Hill is NOT visible in this frame


Two Nix frames showing Clint Hill as he appears from behind Mary Moorman




Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Jack White / Zippo photo


Who took the Zippo photo showing the Moorman Polaroid next to a Zippo lighter


After searching for hours, i thing i may have found the answer.



Jack White quote:

So we are certain that the Moorman photo is genuine and never tampered with.
Zippo (1144x650)

Get your facts straight Ralph

Obviously it is NOT full frame, as well as Newman being missing, so is most of the pergola area

I made no personal comments regarding a full frame.

As i pointed out in the post, the original essay came from Lancer, they were not my comments.
I posted the link, why didn’t you look at Lancer for yourself instead of jumping to conclusions.
that’s why we post links, so that you can confirm the information for yourself.

Here it is again.

Image17 (b)



Cinque is ignorant when it comes to the JFK photographic Research history (UPDATE 3)

Who said that this Moorman copy you posted was the “ORIGINAL” Cinque. ?

are you kidding ?

Moorman original so-called
Original text Edited until i can clarify the provenance of the Zippo photo.
Josiah Thompson re: the  Moorman copies

Image16 (b)


Image18 (Gordon Smith copy)

Zippo photo
Mary Moorman interview


Zippo crop

JFK Lancer



After taking her famous photo, Mary Moorman moved back from the curb and dropped to the grass along with her friend, Jean Hill. Several photos and a WFAA news film show them sitting there. Later that afternoon, Moorman executed a Sheriff’s Department affidavit where she says, “When I heard these shots ring out, I fell to the ground to keep from being hit myself.” (19H487)

Seconds later, photos show Jean Hill’s red coat flaring as she runs up the steps of the grassy knoll. Moorman stayed on the grass. Moments later, Hill returned to find Moorman, standing at her original position and talking with James Featherston, court reporter for the “Dallas Times-Herald.” In 1993, Featherston told a reporters’ gathering what had been in his mind, “I wanted that picture, period. At the time, I thought that was the only picture in existence. Mary agreed to give me the film. I asked both of them to come back to the press room with me – which they did.” [NOTE: See ”Remarks by James Featherston at ‘Reporters Remember Conference’, Dallas, 11/20/93,” cited in “Pictures of the Pain” by Richard B. Trask (Danvers, Mass.: Yeoman Press, 1994), page 237.] Featherston spoke with the two women as they walked to Moorman’s car where she coated the Polaroids. Then he shepherded them to the “press room” in the Criminal Courts Building at the northeast corner of Main and Houston Streets. As he did all this, Featherston got their story. He also got from Moorman permission to copy her photo. Once in the press room, Featherston called his editor, Tom LePere, and gave him a run-down on what the two women had told him. The editor sent a runner over to pick up Moorman’s photo for copying and asked another reporter, Connie Watson, to take down Moorman’s and Hill’s stories over the phone.

Barb Junkkarinen is acquainted with Watson (now Kritzberg) and talked to her last week. Kritzberg recalled that Moorman clearly was upset that afternoon. “Stunned silence” were the words Kritzberg used in describing Moorman at the beginning of their talk. Kritzberg could not recall if Moorman said anything about where she was when she took her photo. Moorman didn’t remember how she got onto the ground and commented that she hadn’t seen anything since her eye was pressed to the viewfinder. In her book, Kritzberg commented that Moorman told her she “sank to the ground, or perhaps was pulled down.” (NOTE: Connie Kritzberg, “Secrets from the Sixth Floor Window”, (Undercover Press, 1994), page 15.)

The “Dallas Times-Herald” shared a photo lab with UPI who immediately distributed the picture to newsrooms the afternoon of the 22nd. A copy negative of the Moorman photo was made by an unknown employee and quickly returned to Moorman via Featherston. The “Times-Herald” then published the picture on Sunday, November 24. UPI purchased distribution rights to the photo from Moorman several days later. Through this distribution, the Moorman photo became an iconic representation of the assassination. The UPI copy, however, was usually cropped for distribution. Missing was the right side of the Polaroid print that shows Zapruder and Sitzman on the pedestal. In 1967, I searched in the files of UPI for the original copy negative and any full-frame prints. I found none. To my knowledge, neither the negative nor any prints of the uncropped Polaroid are extant in the UPI (now Corbis) files. The following photo came from the files of UPI and was used in producing the book, “Four Days in November.”


The following photo shows that a full-frame Moorman photo was distributed on the UPI wire on November 23, 1963.


NBC –TV Copy

The Moorman Polaroid was only absent from the Press Room for a short time while being copied at the “Dallas Times-Herald”/UPI photo lab. It was returned promptly to Moorman and was in her possession for an interview with NBC that occurred around 1:00 PM. A shot of her Polaroid was part of that interview and became one of the first photos of the assassination to be seen nationally when it was broadcast at 3:19 PM (CST) on the NBC network.






James Fetzer …. on the road …..

The Real Deal Ep # 145 On the Road & The JFK Horseman]  [Published on Dec 26, 2015] 

Media Broadcasting Center Official Channel

 “The Real Deal” with James Fetzer  – On the road . . . in Dallas . . . and New Orleans . . . with Larry Rivera . . . the JFK Horsemen evidence, the interviews . . .


Larry Rivera, the son of a career military man who served as CID officer in the Army, was residing in Germany on 22 November 1963 and, at age 6, will never forget his father’s reaction upon hearing of JFK’s murder: “Johnson!” Larry is a Certified Network Engineer, who also owns an automotive wholesale parts business. He has made a lifelong study of the JFK assassination. He first visited Dealey Plaza in 1991 and subsequently attended The ASK Symposium in 1993 for the 30th observance. He has done extensive work on Billy Lovelady and on Joe Molina and recently published on Buell Wesley Frazier and the Altgens 6.

The JFK Horsemen [Part 1 of 2] by Larry Rivera

[Published on Sept 29, 2014]

This simply a superb presentation was broadcast on The New JFK Show #27 by Dr. Jim Fetzer and Gary King on the Revere Radio Network. The detail Larry Rivera presented this information about the Motorcycle riders is remarkable, as is the audio clips provide great supporting evidence.

The Jimmy Courson story is a great capstone to the multiple strands of police officer testimony supporting (1) shots from the front; (2) the limousine slowing down or completely stopping; and (3) film alteration after the fact. In the case of Courson’s account, there is no danger of this being “hearsay” evidence: he is captured on camera telling his story at the time of the 50th anniversary.

The JFK Horsemen [Part 2 of 2] by Larry Rivera [best version slightly tweaked] [Published on Oct. 25, 2014]

The New JFK Show #32 is dedicated to James Henry Fetzer.
This video dispels any remaining doubts about Zfilm alteration and the bullet hole in the wind shield controversy is now a thing of the past. The JFK Horseman series brings NEW evidence by way of the motorcycle policemen’s own corroborating accounts. This documentary is without a doubt a history altering event and obsoletes decades of inaccurate research by countless “JFK” researchers. Dr. Fetzer has published on these facts nearly 20 years ago… had we listened to the good doctor, we would not have squandered two decades of effort.

FarSight Institute Remote Views the JFK Assassination . . . Jeff Rense w/ Jim Marrs & Dick Allgire

The Farsight Institute - Courtney Brown w_Remote Viewers Dick Allgire & Daz Smith
The Farsight Institute – Courtney Brown w/Remote Viewers Dick Allgire and Daz Smith

Courtney Brown’s FarSight Institute Remote Views the JFK Assassination . . . Jeff Rense Interviews Jim Marrs with remote viewer Dick Allgire . . ….

JFKTransistence [Farsight]
So what if Farsight spills the Beans? JFK was a long time ago. . . People forget . . .


The JFK Assassination: Part 1 – The Shooters

Project Release Date: 1 November 2015

The Main Trailer


Behind the Scenes with Dick Allgire


Behind the Scenes with Daz Smith


Mysteries Project 14 – The JFK Assassination

The JFK Assassination: Part 1 – The Shooters [Trailer #2]


Mysteries Project 14 – The JFK Assassination

The JFK Assassination: Part 1 – The Shooters [Trailer #1]


Credited: http://farsight.org/index.html


The Farsight Institute: Courtney Brown w/Remote Viewers Dick Allgire & Daz Smith


The Farsight Institute - Courtney Brown w_Remote Viewers Dick Allgire & Daz Smith JFK1dealy JFK2dealy JFK2goth JFK5_Vitalis JFK6_Gunshots JFK7_SpookHerd JFK8_OhMyGod JFK9_Shooters JFK10-CIA JFK11_Scrambler JFKgoth1 JFKonlook1 JFKonlook2 JFKstat1 JFKstat2



Credit:Jeff Rense @ RenseRadio.com


Hours 2 & 3

Jim Marrs & Remote Viewer Dick Allgire

New Revelations On JFK Murder


The JFK War: Hany Farid, Jefferson Morley and the Zapruder film . . . Sept. 2013 Jim Fetzer Article

James Fetzer - Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

========================= Updated Nov.5, 2015 ========================

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The JFK War: Hany Farid, Jefferson Morley and the Zapruder film



We are encountering the most massive disinformation in American history as the 50th observance of the assassination of JFK approaches. Long discredited theories–such as that a Secret Service man accidentally shot JFK with his AR-15, that Jackie shot JFK with a derringer, and an impostor was killed, while JFK is in Tahiti sipping Mai-Ties–are being marketed around the web.

The obvious cases are bad enough, but some not so obvious continue to make the rounds, including that William Greer, the driver, who pulled the limo to the left and to a stop to make sure JFK was killed, shot him with a .45 during the stop. But if that had been the case, then JFK’s brains would have been blown out to the right/rear, when they were instead blown out to the left/rear.

More insidious are those who deny the existence of the limo stop or make other attempts to prove that the Zapruder film is authentic. That poses a daunting task, since it would be necessary to show that, in every respect, the extant film corresponds to what actually happened during the event as it took place in Dealey Plaza. If that is not true in any respect, its authenticity has been falsified.

Hany Farid, a computer scientist from Dartmouth College, who has a lab funded by the FBI, offers a striking case of a faculty member abusing his position to disseminate false information about the assassination of JFK. Jefferson Morely, a well-known reporter, whose work I have previously questioned, has created a new web site to promote his own extremely slanted view about JFK, including the Zapruder film. 


Hany Farid and the backyard photos

We last encountered Hany Farid, a computer scientist from Dartmouth College, when he claimed to have shown that the backyard photographs of Lee Oswald, which were allegedly taken by his wife, Marina, had been verified by showing that he had been able to reconstruct the nose shadow in one of the photographs, which he claimed thereby established their authenticity. I kid you not!


Since there are at least four of these photographs (and the negative for a fifth is missing), you might have thought that he would at least extend his argument to all of them, instead of focusing on only one. And it might have been appropriate had he acknowledged that the nose shadow was only one of multiple proofs that the photos were faked, where he did not bother with any of the rest.


Thus, for example, the chin in the photos is a block chin, not Oswald’s more tapered and pointed chin. There is an insert line between the lower lip and the chin. The tips of the fingers of his right hand are cut off. And when you use the newspapers he is holding as an internal ruler, it turns out that the man in the photos at 5’6″ is too short to be Lee Oswald, who was approximately 5’10”.


Moreover, for a photographic expert, his claims are astoundingly shoddy, since it even turns out that the face in all four of the photos is exactly the same, which is an optical impossibility, insofar as the subject was photographed at different times and positions. As Lee told Homicide Detective Will Fritz during his interrogation, his face had been pasted on someone else’s body–which is true!


This matte was subsequently discovered in the desk of a DPD detective, who claimed he had only make it to see if it could be done. I wrote to the President of Dartmouth, Jim Yong Kim, at the time to object to the abuse of his faculty position, but it was swept under the rug. Jim Marrs and I subsequently published “Framing the Patsy: The Case of Lee Harvey Oswald”, which leaves no doubt about it. 

Hany Farid and the Zapruder film

As so often happens in Washington–where the bigger the liar, the further you go–Jim Youg Kin became the President of the World Bank, where, as Karen Hudes has explained, he has been doing more of the same but on a grander scale. Hany Farid, in the meanwhile, having demonstrated his competence with regard to the backyard photos, has turned his attention to the Zapruder film

As in the case of his work on the backyard photo(s), he commits the fallacy of special pleading by ignoring all the evidence that contradicts his predetermined position. Even if he were correct about the nose shadow in one photograph, it should not be the same across all four photos, not to mention other proofs of fakery. He wants to show that the black area in Frame 317 is a naturally occurring phenomenon. 

Even if he were correct, that would not overcome the mountain of evidence from more than 60 witnesses, the internal contradictions in the extant film, its inconsistency with the medial and ballistic evidence and other witnesses who have viewed another and more complete film that includes, for example, the limo coming to a complete stop. As before, Hany Farid implies that, if one issue is resolvable, he has resolved them all. 

So he compounds one fallacy (special pleading) with another (hasty generalization), which of course is the strategy he has adopted, hoping that those who are unfamiliar with the evidence in this case will be taken in. But he has to know that there is ample proof that the dark area at the back of the head was painted over in black and that the film is not even internally consistent, as Frame 374 reveals:

Since the blow out at the back of his head — the blue-gray, cashew-shaped defect, as opposed to the pinkish skull flap, which was also blown open when JFK was hit in the right temple by a frangible (or “exploding”) bullet — it has to have been cover-up in those earlier frames, 
as as group of Hollywood film restoration experts have long-since concluded. So Farid is committing a fraud by abusing his position at Dartmouth to spread false information to the public about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Hany Farid is a fraud. 


Click here: “The New Zapruder Film (stabilized)”

. . . etc… etc…. etc….. 

The timeline argument–that there was no opportunity for the film to have been faked, which Josiah Thompson has endlessly promoted–has no basis in fact and was merely a gambit. We know that the film was altered, which is proven by the multiple lines of argument I have advanced. We also know when and where it was altered and when and where the fake film was substituted for the original.

Since rationality requires that we revise our beliefs with the acquisition of new evidence and alternative hypotheses, the time has come to abandon the fantasy that the Zapruder film is authentic. But don’t expect the Josiah Thompsons, the Robert Grodens and the lesser fry to abandon their promotion of Zapruder film authenticity. Consider this:
The JFK Lancer Conference for the 50th observance of the death of JFK in Dallas is featuring as its keynote speaker Jefferson Morley!
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth.


Earthfiles investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe shared reports on the main reason why President John F. Kennedy was killed…



Coast To Coast – JFK, Watergate, Population Control & Earthquakes – 30 July 2015

Host: George Noory    Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Erin Elizabeth

[Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gepXnyVO8r4%5D

  Earthfiles investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe shared reports on the main reason why President John F. Kennedy was killed and what was happening behind the public surface of a political break-in at DNC Headquarters that related to an alien presence…

  Linda shared an interview, conducted by podcaster Daniel Liszt, with attorney Douglas Caddy, who was a friend of CIA agent and Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt. Caddy recounted meeting with Hunt in 1975 and pressing him for details on two infamous events in American history. Despite being evasive in his answers, Hunt ultimately revealed that Kennedy was killed because he was poised to reveal “our most vital secret to the Soviets” which was “the alien presence.” Caddy also claimed that the impetus behind the Watergate burglary was a search for documents which would have implicated Richard Nixon in a 1960 plot to assassinate Fidel Castro. However, he theorized that the Watergate scandal was actually orchestrated in order to remove Nixon from power because he wanted access to the UFO secrets closely guarded by the MJ-12 group. More here and here…



July 31, 2015 –

Part 1: Watergate Break-In Retired Attorney Douglas Caddy with JFK Assassination Secret from CIA “Super Spy” E. Howard Hunt. 

CIA “Super Spy” Everette Howard Hunt testified before the Congressional Watergate Committee in May 1973 [-]
CIA “Super Spy” Everette Howard Hunt testified before the                                                               Congressional Watergate Committee in May 1973.

Part 1: Watergate Break-In Retired Attorney Douglas Caddy
with JFK Assassination Secret from CIA “Super Spy” E. Howard Hunt.

© 2015 by Linda Moulton Howe

Nov12,1963 Censored Top Secret Memorandum to CIA Director UFO National Security Classification Review [Caddy JFK Letter]President John F. Kennedy’s November 12, 1963, memorandum for The Director
(name blacked out, DCI in Nov. 1963 was John McCone), Central Intelligence Agency on
the “SUBJECT: Classification review of all UFO intelligence files affecting National Security.”
JFK was assassinated ten days later in Dallas, Texas. It is assumed that Allen W. Dulles,
Director of the CIA until November 1961, replaced by John McCone,
continued on in his other more powerful position as MJ-1.

July 31, 2015   Houston, Texas – Forty-three years ago on June 17, 1972, five men were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee offices at the Watergate Hotel and office complex in Washington, D. C. They were James McCord, a former CIA agent working for Nixon’s re-election CREEP committee, Frank Sturgis, Bernard Barker, Virgilio Gonzalez and Eugenio Martinez.

Watergate is an office-hotel-apartment complex near the Potomac River in Washington, D. C. [CaddyWatergateAerial]
Watergate is an office-hotel-apartment complex near
the Potomac River in Washington, D. C.

The DNC burglars were led off in handcuffs on June 17, 1972 [Caddy Watergate 5 Arrested June 17, 1972]
The DNC burglars were led off in handcuffs on June 17, 1972,
after their arrest for breaking into the Democratic National Committee
headquarters at the Watergate complex near the Potomac River. Three
of those arrested were Cuban exiles, one was a Cuban-American and
their on-site leader was James McCord, a former CIA agent and a
security coordinator for President Richard Nixon’s Committee 
for the Reelection of the President (CREEP). Photo © 1972 by AP.

Two more men would be added to the break-in charges: E. Howard Hunt, Jr., who specialized in political warfare dirty tricks that included the CIA’s disastrous April 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba during the John F. Kennedy Administration. Hunt had organized the break-in on assignment for the President Richard Nixon White House. Rounding out the Watergate 7 was G. Gordon Liddy, who was then working as Nixon’s CREEP attorney.


How Everette Howard Hunt
and Douglas Caddy Became Friends

After his World War II spy days for the U. S. Navy and Office of Strategic Services, known as the OSS, Everette Howard Hunt went to work in 1949 for the newly created Central Intelligence Agency. Hunt’s specialty was political warfare — dirty tricks, sabotage and propaganda, including the overthrow of Guatemala’s government in the early 1950s and the disastrous Bay of Pigs Invasion to bring down Cuba’s Castro that began on April 17, 1961.

Nine years later in 1970, “CIA Super Spy” Hunt was frustrated and resigned his Langley CIA position and went to work for Robert R. Mullen Co., a public relations subsidiary of General Foods that was a front for the CIA. There Hunt met attorney Douglas Caddy and the two men became friends. Caddy insists that at the time he did not know the PR firm and Howard Hunt were both working for the CIA. One of Hunt’s assignments in his CIA Mullen work was to head up a political dirty tricks unit for the Nixon White House. That is how Howard Hunt came to organize the burglary of the Democratic National Committee that took place at the Watergate complex in Washington, D. C., on June 17, 1972, at about 3 o’clock in the early morning. Hunt’s five henchmen were discovered and arrested by police. 


  1. Howard Hunt Called His Friend, Douglas Caddy,
    for Help With the Arrested Burglars in the DNC
    That Worked for Hunt

Hunt reached out to attorney Caddy for help. Caddy was not a criminal law attorney, but found a lawyer to represent the five burglars. Hunt’s bungled DNC break-in eventually brought down Richard M. Nixon, who resigned his presidency two years later on August  9, 1974.

Aug 09, 1974 Nixon Resignation Letter to Henry Kissinger [Source U. S. National Archive]
Source: U. S. National Archive.

 E. Howard Hunt testified on September 24, 1973, before the U. S. Senate Watergate Committee [CaddyHowardHuntCongressHearing]
E. Howard Hunt testified on September 24, 1973, before the 
U. S. Senate Watergate Committee in Washington, D. C., about the
June 17, 1972, break-in of the Democratic National Committee office in the
Watergate complex. As the break-in organizer, Hunt was sentenced to 33 
months in Federal Prison Camp at Eglin AFB, Florida. Photograph by AP.


Howard Hunt Reached Out Again
to Douglas Caddy Before Hunt’s Prison
Sentence Began On April 25, 1975

Not long before E. Howard Hunt entered the Federal Prison Camp at Eglin AFB, Florida, on April 25, 1975, Hunt asked to meet for the last time with his attorney friend Douglas Caddy, at the Yenching Palace restaurant in Washington, famous for historic deal making. Caddy wanted to know the true reasons behind the Watergate burglary and JFK’s assassination. 

What happened in that last dinner is the subject of this 2-part Earthfiles. Douglas Caddy — only recently in June 2015 — watched a documentary called “AGENT OSWALD: THE CIA PATSY,” produced and edited by Daniel Liszt, host and producer of the internet’s Dark Journalist. See websites below. Afterward, it was Douglas Caddy who contacted Daniel to say that the Oswald documentary was “correct.”

Bob Woodward, author and Associate Editor, The Washington Post, with retired attorney Douglas Caddy and author Carl Bernstein [CaddyDouglasWoodwardBernstein]
Bob Woodward, author and Associate Editor, The Washington Post, with retired attorney
Douglas Caddy and author Carl Bernstein at “The Brilliant Lecture Series” 
on September 25, 2014, in Houston, Texas. The event featured lectures about the media
and the June 17, 1972, Watergate break-in. Image provided by Douglas Caddy.

Daniel Liszt asked Caddy if he would be willing to talk about his own experiences with the Watergate break-in and friendship with E. Howard Hunt. Caddy agreed and gave his permission for a Skype videotaped interview one month ago on June 29, 2015, from his Houston, Texas, apartment. Daniel sent the 3-hour videotaped interview to Earthfiles.com for review. Caddy’s last discussion with E. Howard Hunt provides a surprising explanation for the DNC break-in and adds more weight to whistleblower claims of the past 52 years that the CIA killed President John F. Kennedy because JFK wanted to open up the truth about extraterrestrials on Earth and share those facts with the Soviet Union in an effort to end the Cold War.

I asked Daniel Liszt if we could collaborate for Earthfiles reports and my July 30, 2015, Coast to Coast AM broadcast on iHeart Premiere Radio Networks. Here from Cambridge, Massachusetts, is Daniel Liszt, followed by my edited excerpts of 77-year-old retired attorney Douglas Caddy, with Daniel’s permission, from his June 29, 2015, Dark Journalist 3-hour Skype interview with Caddy. See websites below.


00:00 Howe073015 JFK Assassination Secret Part 1

  1. Howe073015 JFK Assassination Secret Part 1

Daniel Liszt, 40, Host and Producer, Dark Journalist, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Douglas Caddy, 77, retired attorney, Houston, Texas: “I was contacted by Douglas Caddy, who was a former attorney for the Watergate (five) burglars and a close friend of CIA “Super Spy” E. Howard Hunt. And Hunt had long been suspected of being involved in the JFK  assassination. And  then Caddy contacted me and said he was ready to go public about what his good friend E. Howard Hunt had told him about the reasons why JFK had been assassinated.


That’s exactly right. The year was 1975.  This restaurant was famous for major events happening. For example, the Cuban missile crisis was resolved through secret channels there.  And the government often bugged where these major figures from the State Department and various Administrations would sit down and talk business. Henry Kissinger was a frequent  guest there. Hunt had actually contacted Caddy and said he wanted to meet him before he (Hunt) went to prison as a way to say thanks for he (Caddy) had done for him (Hunt). Because after all, Hunt had put him in a very uncomfortable position having Caddy represent the Watergate burglars without giving him the whole story behind what they were doing there.


Exactly right. And what’s happening is that Caddy has a deep desire to find out:

1)  What was behind the Watergate break-in?

2)   What was the reason that John F. Kennedy was assassinated?”


Douglas Caddy Excerpts,
Dark Journalist Skype Interview
Houston, Texas, June 29, 2015

Douglas Caddy, 77, retired attorney, Houston, Texas:  “Somewhere into the meal, I said, “Well, Howard, I’ve got to ask you some questions, you know? The first one is why did you go into the Democratic National Committee (DNC)? What was so important there?”

He (Hunt) hesitated and then said, “Well, we went in there just to photograph any documents that had numbers on it.”

I said, “Howard, Howard, come on now. Please! You can’t get away with that. It’s just too easy an answer. Look what I’ve gone through on your behalf.”

He just shrugged his shoulders and I said, “Well, you did plead guilty to burglary and to conspiracy and to eavesdropping. I was a witness at that first trial. I remember looking out at that table in front of me and seeing all that wiretap equipment and photographic equipment and so forth and so, “Howard, isn’t it true then that you went in there to replace a defective bug?” I was asking from him confirmation. But all he did was nod his head like that. He did not verbally articulate.

So that was his method of assenting to what I had asked him. I said, “Well, there was a lot of publicity about a prostitution ring being operated out of the Democratic National Committee and so did you not also go in there to get copies of the books that contained the names of the clients of the prostitution ring there?”

Obviously, this is how you compromise people. If you can get the names of the clients, you can compromise them and coerce them through blackmail to do things.

And he once again nodded assenting, I thought.  I said, “Well, Howard, this is not enough of a reason to burglarize the Democratic National Committee. There’s got to be another reason why you went in there.”

He hesitated for a moment and said, “Yes. Well, there was another reason. We believe there were Cuban government reports in the Democratic National Committee that were connected to the Kennedy assassination.”

And I said, “Wow! Cuban government reports that would give us information about the Kennedy assassination.”

He said, “Yes.”

I said, “Well, what do you think was in those reports?”

At that point, he just held up his hands and went like that and said, “No more questions.”

I thought , Well, this is the last time I see Howard. I’m going to make one more stab to see if I can get something here, you know?

And I said, “Howard, why was John Kennedy assassinated?”

He (Hunt) said, “John Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to give our most vital secret to the Soviets.”

I was stunned by that. And I said, “Well what was that?”

At that point he leaned forward and looked right in my eyes and he said, “The alien presence.” And reached out and shook my hand and then turned and walked away. That was the last time I saw Howard Hunt.

“The alien presence.” I remembered it. I knew it was important.


Harvard Astronomer Donald Menzel, Ph.D.,
Was In MJ-12

I came across in my own investigation — Stanton Friedman. As a researcher, he said he went to the Harvard University Library because he wanted to look up a Dr. Donald Menzel. Dr. Menzel was head of the Observatory at Harvard and he was an astronomer.  The reason Stanton Friedman was interested in him was because for years he was the number one public critic of UFOs and aliens and all that subject, you know?

Liszt:  Menzel was like the big UFO debunker of the 1950s and 1960s.

Caddy:  Because of his position at Harvard, he had the credibility and people believed him.  And so, Stanton Friedman was going through the file on Menzel and he came across this file within the file on JFK. And he said, “Wow!” And he opened it and there was a letter from Dr. Menzel to JFK, John Kennedy, who was in 1957 on the Board of  Overseers of Harvard University. JFK was already a U. S. Senator at that time. But Senators do not have the highest classification of security. In other words, you can be a Senator, but there are still levels of security above you.

And so what Dr. Menzel said, “When you get that pending (level of) security granted, there are things I want to talk with you about my work with the NSA and these other activities.”  I gather with aliens, UFOs and so forth.

This may have been the first time that John Kennedy came in contact with someone who had detailed knowledge of the alien presence.

And so when Kennedy became President, what I read into his actions, is that he had his own agenda. One of his agendas was to get more knowledge about the alien presence.

The interesting thing about Dr.  Menzel was that he was a member of Majestic 12. His authority was so high that he had complete knowledge of the alien presence.


JFK Was Assassinated Because He Wanted Authority to Access MJ-12’s Oversight of the “Alien Presence”

John Kennedy had been briefed by Dr. Menzel and when he was President, he wanted more information. He decided, I think, to approach this obliquely and the first thing he did was in June of 1961, he issued National Security Action Memorandum  55, in which he directed that the Defense Department take oversight of the covert activities of the CIA.

He thought this would give him an insight into the research project of Majestic 12. Then he at that same time in 1961, he met with Khruschev in Vienna and he broached with Krhuschev at that time that there be joint exploration in outer space from the Soviet Union and the United States and maybe a joint landing on the moon.

John Kennedy tried to open up ties with the Soviet Union. I think Khruschev was taken aback by this.

Then Kennedy wrote a letter to Khruschev in March of 1962, building more bridges. And then Kennedy appointed Dr.  Hugh Dryden, who was (Deputy) Administrator of NASA [ August 19, 1958 –  December 2, 1965] to coordinate the (space) activity with his counterpart in the Soviet Union on the subject of exploration of outer space and landing on the moon.

Kennedy went ahead with his speech at  American University in June 1963. Remember, he was assassinated that November (22, 1963) in which he advocated world peace. It’s a great speech, one of the greatest speeches by any President.

Then in September of 1963,  he spoke before the United Nations at which time, he said the exploration of outer space is not a matter just for one nation. It’s a matter for international cooperation and I propose that the two great powers,  the Soviet Union and United States engage jointly in outer space and a landing on the moon.

US President John F. Kennedy (right) says farewell to Secretary-General U Thant after addressing the UN General Assembly on Sept 20, 1963 [CaddyUNspeech1963Sept20] JFK’s United Nations Speech in September 20, 1963

US President John F. Kennedy (right) says farewell to Secretary-General U Thant
after addressing the UN General Assembly on September 20, 1963. UN Photo/Yutaka Nagata

This was once again his attempt to build bridges to the Soviet Union. And his final step before he was assassinated was he issued a National Security Action Memorandum No. 271 for the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Subject: Cooperation with the USSR on outer space matters.

JFK to NASA Administrator:  “I would like you to assume personally initiative and control responsibility for the development of  a program of substantive cooperation with the Soviet Union in the field of outer space, including the development of specific technological proposals. These proposals should be developed with a view as to their possible discussion with the Soviet Union as a direct outcome of my September 20, 1963, proposal for broad cooperation between the United States and the USSR in outer space, including cooperation in lunar landing programs.”

It goes on, but the important point here  that Kennedy is proposing  a formal government policy. He sends this memorandum to the following persons.

1)  Chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Council;

2)  Secretary of State;

3)  Secretary of Defense;

4)  Director of the Central Intelligence Agency;

5)  Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission;

6)  Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology;

7)  Director, Bureau of the Budget;

8)  Director, U. S. Information Agency;

9)  Copy to Mr. Bundy;

10)  Mr. Johnson (V. President L. B. J.)

11)  And the National Security Council files.

So he (JFK) formally proposes as a policy. Let’s see what reaction was in his own government. You’re General Curtis LeMay. How would you react if you were General Curtis LeMay?

Daniel Liszt:  A guy like LeMay was so used to fighting the Soviet Union, I can only imagine that they were just completely furious on the inside of the national security structure.

Caddy:  Absolutely furious! He would want to nuke the Soviets. And there were all these people that had that attitude and so Kennedy was essentially on his own to a great extent. He had his brother, but he was on his own. He had also made other enemies, we have to realize through other proposals like the Federal Reserve and on the Bay of Pigs, which was very, very important because the Cuban American community blamed him (JFK) for the Bay of Pigs debacle. So, he did have other enemies.

But in my opinion, what he was starting with his first Action Memorandum 55, where he asked the Defense Department to have oversight over the covert activities of the CIA. This was in June of 1961. He was challenging the authority of the successor to Majestic 12. This is a government above the government. Even President Clinton at one point publicly stated that he had come to believe that there was a government above his over which he had no control.

So what Kennedy was doing was challenging this (MJ-12) group. This is the group that has the authority to  deal with the alien presence, whatever it is. We do not know at this time who administers this organization now.

Kennedy, in my opinion,  because we pose a threat to them by saying, “I as President want this information. I’m the elected representative of the American people. I feel that I should have this information about the alien presence. This should not be just in the providence of this secret group (MJ-12).

And so in my opinion behind his assassination ultimately was his attempt to have authority to get into Majestic 12’s oversight of the alien presence.”


The Memo That Might Have Finally
Triggered MJ-1 to Order JFK’s Assassination

JFK was assassinated only ten days after his November 12, 1963, TOP SECRET Memo to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency below. On that date, the DCI was John McCone, but it is also assumed that Allen W. Dulles (AWD), who had been DCI until November 1961 and his replacement by John McCone, continued on in his other more powerful position as MJ-1. The handwritten note at the bottom of this memo says, “Response from Colby: Angleton has MJ directive 11/20/63.” William Colby was then Deputy Chief of the CIA’s Far East Division referencing James Jesus Angleton, head of CIA Counterintelligence.

Nov 12, 1963][TOP SECRET Memorandum for Director, Central Intelligence Agency from President John F. KennedyNovember 12, 1963, TOP SECRET Memorandum for Director, Central Intelligence Agency
(name blacked out, but presumably John McCone) from President John F. Kennedy. 
SUBJECT: Classification review of all UFO intelligence files affecting National Security.

As I had discussed with you previously, I have initiated BLACKED OUT and have instructed James Webb to develop a program with the Soviet Union in join space and lunar exploration. It would be very helpful if you would have the high threat cases reviewed with the purpose of identification of bona fide as opposed to classified CIA and USAF sources. It is important that we make a clear distinction between the knowns and unknowns in the event the Soviets try to mistake our extended cooperation as a cover for intelligence gathering of their defence and space programs.

When this data has been sorted out, I would like you to arrange a program of data sharing with NASA where Unknowns are a factor. This will help NASA mission directors in their defensive responsibilities.

I would like an interim report on the data review no later than February 1, 1964.

/signed/ John F. Kennedy


Continued in Part 2.

Also see:

Documentary - Agent Oswald - The CIA Patsy - Dark Journalist - The Truth Is Never Easy [Caddy Agent Oswald CIA Patsy Feb 2014]

Dark Journalist June 29, 2015, Skype Interview (2 hrs 45 minutes),
“Douglas Caddy — JFK Killed Over the Alien Presence”:

Also see Dark Journalist documentary:

Website: Dark Journalist: The Truth Is Never Easy
Documentary: Agent Oswald: The CIA Patsy © February 2014:http://www.darkjournalist.com/documentaries.php

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpyMuduBmtQ







Part 2: JFK Wanted to Know What the Truman-Appointed
Majestic-12 Knew About E. T.s.

© 2015 by Linda Moulton Howe

“As you must know LANCER [JFK] has made some inquiries
regarding our activities which we cannot allow.”

– Director of Central Intelligence (MJ-1)

“I would presume that the scenario involved is that MJ-1
is dictating this burned memo to a secretary. He, MJ-1, does not want the
secretary to know that he is saying, ‘We ought to kill JFK.’”

– Robert Wood, Ph.D., Physicist and Retired Aerospace Manager

“Caddy felt it was important for humanity and for our future
to know the alien presence is real and it was the reason for JFK’s assassination.”

– Daniel Liszt, Host and Producer, Dark Journalist

War Department Operations Manual SOM1-01 by Majestic-12 Group, April 1954 [Majestic12titleSOM101]
War Department Operations Manual SOM1-01 
by Majestic-12 Group, April 1954.

July 31, 2015   Houston, Texas – Seven years ago in August 2008, I did not know that by 2015, an historic Watergate break-in figure such as attorney Douglas Caddy would share his last conversation with the CIA’s E. Howard Hunt when Hunt said that JFK was assassinated because he was trying to penetrate the MJ-12 and CIA control over information about “the alien presence.”

But in August of 2008, I was discussing that same subject — the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the CIA — with Robert Wood, Ph.D., retired aerospace engineer, who had purchased all of the TOP SECRET/MJ-12 documents that a whistleblower named Timothy Cooper sold to Bob in 2001. Cooper said his father had worked in a print shop that did work for White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico and had secretly copied documents about UFOs and extraterrestrials that contained  titles and stamps of MAJESTIC-12, MJ-12 and MAJIC.

A week after Bob Wood purchased Cooper’s documents in 2001, Tim Cooper called Dr. Wood and said, “You won’t believe what arrived in the mail yesterday!” It was a new memo Tim had never seen before and appeared to be scorched by fire.  During our 2008 Earthfiles interview, Bob Wood told me, “As far as I know, this ‘burned memo’ is the only document that I’ve ever heard anyone claim could be the authorization to kill John F. Kennedy.”

The whistleblower of the 9-page “burned memo” said he worked 1960 to 1974 in CIA counterintelligence for James Jesus Angleton, Director, CIA Counter-intelligence. After James Angleton died on May 12, 1987, the whistleblower said he pulled the 9-page memorandum from a fire that had scorched Angleton’s most sensitive MJ-12 secret files.

9-Page “Burned Memo” Kept
in CIA Angleton’s Safe

All 9 Archived 080308Earthfiles

The 9-page memo is not dated, but is stamped in red: TOP SECRET/MJ-12. Since the subject is LANCER (President John F. Kennedy), it is assumed the date the memo was written was between
Black stamp CI on upper left is Counterintelligence
The next lines are:  Central Intelligence Agency
From:  Director of Central Intelligence (MJ-1)
Followed by a copy list to MJ-2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7
Project EVIRO

In the first of nine pages below typed cleanly in black above actual burned memo, the reference to LANCER historically is consistent with the codename that the U. S. Secret Service used to refer to President John F. Kennedy. His wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, was LACE.

In 1954, Allen W. Dulles, who had recently become Director of Central Intelligence for the Central Intelligence Agency, named James Jesus Angleton (JJA) to be head of the Counterintelligence staff, a position Angleton retained for the rest of his CIA career until his death on May 12, 1987. Dulles also assigned him responsibility for coordination with allied intelligence services. The first page of the 9-page memo below has a handwritten note: “DO NOT REMOVE FROM SAFE (illegible) JJA”

Allen Dulles was the Director of the CIA, and presumably MJ-1 in the Majestic-12 Group, up to 1961. He was a tough inside player. But, in November 1961, President John F. Kennedy replaced Alan Dulles with John McCone. McCone was also in charge of the CIA at the time of the November 22, 1963, assassination; Allen W. Dulles (AWD) served on the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination, and Allen W. Dulles signed the Warren Commission report cover letter.

See Dr. Robert Wood’s detailed comments about all nine burned memo pages in080608Earthfiles.

Original scorched carbon page 1:

In the context of the above it has become necessary to review and evaluate duplication of field activition (sic) in light of the current situation. To eliminate this problem, I have drafted new directives for your review and consideration. Please evaluate each draft on its own merit with the goal of finding acceptable solutions in which all can agree on. As you must know LANCER has made some inquiries regarding our activities which we cannot allow. Please submit your views no later than October. Your action to this matter is critical to the continuance of the group.

Tab (A) President’s EYES ONLY


Tab (C) DoD 5200.1

Tab (D) Project BLUE BOOK

Tab (E) Freedom of Information


Tab (G) BW [ Editor’s Note: Biological warfare SPIKE, HOUSE CLEANING, MK-ULTRA, ARTICHOKE and DOMESTIC.]


TOP SECRET_MJ-12 Central Intelligence Agency memo [MJScorched1stPage]
First page, TOP SECRET/MJ-12 Central Intelligence Agency memo
from Director of Central Intelligence (MJ-1) to MJ-2 through MJ-7 allegedly written
in 1961 to 1963 time period. Whistleblower says he worked1960 to 1974 in CIA counterintelligence 
for James Jesus Angleton, Director, CIA Counterintelligence from 1954 to 1974. After James 
Angleton died on May 12, 1987, whistleblower said he pulled this 9-page memorandum from a fire
that was burning up Angleton’s most sensitive MJ-12 secret files. Two handwritten
notations are: “Original carbon” and “DO NOT REMOVE FROM SAFE (illegible) JJA.”
Image provided by Robert Wood.


Draft, Directive Regarding Project ENVIRONMENT [MJScorchedTabHcropped]Tab H  Project ENVIRONMENT

TAB H SAYS:  ‘Draft, Directive Regarding Project ENVIRONMENT. When conditions become non-conducive for growth in our environment and Washington cannot be influenced any further, the weather is lacking any precipitation (misspelled as percipitation in memo) … it should be wet.’

“When conditions become non-conducive for growth.” — If MJ-12 is not going to get any money, or no more money, or their money is going to be cut off completely “in our environment. … And Washington cannot be influenced any further.” That means the people who control lots of covert money for MJ-12 UFO/E.T. operations don’t keep the black money flowing into MJ-12.

That leads to “weather is lacking any precipitation.” Black budget money for MJ-12 dwindles or is cut off.

Then, “it should be wet” is a reference to “wet works,” or “wet affairs,” which originated in Russia, actually in the 19th Century from a Russian phrase where apparently if you killed somebody during a burglary, it was called “wet” in Russian because of the blood. “Wet” got used in the intelligence community in the KGB to describe assassinations and was used in intelligence communities around the world.

So MJ-1, the CIA Director (likely Allen W. Dulles, or his successor John McCone) is using arcane language to conceal the true intent of his message to assassinate LANCER, JFK.

Also see:

5-part Earthfiles series for Original Carbon of 9-page Scorched Memo and information about Project JEHOVA with physicists Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer.

Caddy Interview Continued:

00:00 Howe073015 JFK Assassination Secret Part 2

Howe073015 JFK Assassination Secret Part 2

Douglas Caddy, 77, retired attorney, Houston, Texas; Daniel Liszt, 40, Host and Producer, Dark Journalist, Cambridge, Massachusetts: “The planning of the assassination was done very, very carefully. The planning of the cover-up was done very, very carefully. If I had to say who I thought was the ultimate planner, I would say James Angleton of the CIA.

James Jesus Angleton, Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency's Counterintelligence program, at the January 1969 funeral of Allen W. Dulles

James Jesus Angleton, Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency’s
Counterintelligence program, at the January 1969 funeral of Allen W. Dulles,
CIA Director from February 26, 1953, to November 29, 1961, and suspected
overseer with Angleton of the detailed planning of JFK’s assassination on 
November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. James Angleton died of lung cancer
on May 11, 1987, and was buried in his hometown of Boise, Idaho.

Liszt:  James Jesus Angleton, who was Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Counterintelligence program at that time (1963).

Caddy:  JFK’s cabinet was enroute to Japan when the assassination took place.

Editor’s Note: On November 22, 1963, White House Press Secretary Pierre Salinger was en route to Tokyo aboard a jet plane with six members of the Cabinet when he received the message that President John F. Kennedy had been shot. Shortly after, Navy Cmdr. Oliver Hallett called Salinger from the Situation Room with the news that the President has died.]

Liszt:  They just all happened to be sent out of the country during the assassination.

Caddy: Just the Secretary of State (Dean Rusk) and the Attorney General  (Robert F. Kennedy) were in Washington. Whoever had planned it had planned it so the cabinet were en route to Japan to conduct negotiations.

Liszt:  Angleton is a very likely candidate for that type of planning.  Is there another high-level figure that comes to mind?

Caddy: I think that Lyndon Johnson, from the time he became Vice President, he planned to become President. There is this  quotation from Bobby Baker, who was his right-hand man, to one of LBJ’s assistants at that (1960) inauguration to the effect that JFK would not live out his term as President.

But what happened was I think that Lyndon Johnson had knowledge of the assassination, but he was not the central figure controlling the operation of it. He had prior knowledge.

Liszt: So, Hunt tells you, his good friend, the real reason why JFK was assassinated, which is he was going to share our knowledge of the alien presence with the Soviet Union.

Caddy: Our most vital secret.

Liszt: Later, he (Hunt) did make a deathbed confession (to Hunt’s son, St John Hunt) about LBJ working with elements of the CIA to assassinate President Kennedy. How did you feel about your old friend’s deathbed confession?

Caddy: I agreed with him on LBJ. But looking back, Howard said in interviews for the press and wrote an article for The New York Times when he was in prison. He said, “I’m still serving my country. I’m in prison, but I’m still serving my country.”

And I think what Howard Hunt was saying at his deathbed confession is that he was still serving his country by withholding there is an alien presence.

Howard Hunt was in such a position to know about the alien presence. So when he said that to me, he was speaking with authority. And when he said that on his deathbed about LBJ and the people that were involved, I read into it that Howard Hunt was saying, “I’m serving my country.”

Liszt: To bring this around to your close friendship with Hunt. You knew him well.

Caddy: Yes.

Liszt: And you knew his wife Dorothy and family. How do you feel knowing what you know about Hunt having a roll in something as treacherous as the JFK assassination?

Caddy: I think Hunt in his own mind justified it. He was so wedded to that Bay of Pigs [see Websites below] sellout and maybe the steps that JFK was taking. Howard Hunt was very conservative, very right wing. Latin American activities that he was involved in where so many people were killed. I could see him agreeing to that.

Liszt: You could?

Caddy: Only if he sensed there was justification in doing so.

Liszt: I would like to know how these Presidents before and after JFK dealt with this (Majestic-12) Group that were/are in control of the off-world technology? And how did/do they deal with the alien presence?

Caddy: Eisenhower, I think, had the most knowledge about the alien presence at that time. Eisenhower was deep into this subject and might have even met with representatives of the alien intelligence. But Nixon was his Vice President. Nixon was Chairman of the 54/12 Committee, which oversaw covert activities. And I think Nixon probably possessed 80% of the knowledge that Eisenhower had on the alien presence and Majestic-12. And Nixon, when he became President in 1968, the first thing he did was try to get hold of the research project, the Majestic-12.


In 1960, Nixon As Eisenhower’s V. Pres.
Asked Billionaire Howard Hughes
to Secretly Assassinate Cuba’s Castro

Back in 1960, Nixon (as Vice President to Dwight D. Eisenhower) contacted Howard Hughes, in the summer of 1960 and asked Howard Hughes to arrange the assassination of Castro without the U. S. government’s fingerprints on it. Howard Hughes agreed to do that. Hughes had done a number of things for the government and was one of Nixon’s secret donors. And Hughes delegated to Robert Maheu, his right-hand man. He sought out assistance of the Mafia and organized crime and the CIA was already onboard, you might say.

So, what happened was that Nixon was not elected in November 1960. Kennedy was elected. And so this (Bay of Pigs) operation had been set up under Nixon’s directive to Howard Hughes (billionaire owner of Hughes Aircraft and Medical Center) and continued on without JFK and his brother (Robert, Attorney General) knowing about it. It was about a year into their administration that they found out about these training camps that were still going on that had been set up under Nixon’s original authority.

The point here is that if going into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and finding that Cuban government report on the Kennedy assassination — if they (Democrats) had traced Nixon as being the originator of the Bay of Pigs debacle, the Cuban-American animosity towards JFK — that report, if it did exist, Nixon could be blamed publicly for starting a chain of events that ultimately led to the assassination because of the Bay of Pigs that involved all these Cuban Americans.

And so it was also vital to the CIA to know if that Cuban government report existed there (at DNC headquarters). There’s a book on this called Watergate: The Hidden History: (Nixon, The Mafia, and The CIA © 2013 by Lamar Waldron) that goes into this secret desire on the part of Nixon and Richard Helms (CIA’s Director of Central Intelligence from June 1966 to February 1973) to get that report that they thought was at the Democratic National Committee.

Liszt: Why did they think the document was there in the DNC?

Caddy: Because Larry O’Brien (then-Chairman of the DNC whose offices the burglars broke into) was a former lobbyist for Howard Hughes in Washington, D. C. He might have just gotten knowledge as a lobbyist as to what had gone on with Maheu and Hughes and could have used this in the (presidential) campaign.

But when Nixon became President in 1968, remember how JFK approached trying to get his knowledge of the Majestic-12’s research project in the alien presence? He did this sort of gradually with the memorandums.

Nixon did it differently. The day he was inaugurated, he signed a National Security Decision Number 2, in which Nixon put out (excluded) the Defense Department, the State Department, the CIA of having major input into Vietnam and into the Cold War. Instead, he consolidated this with his National Security Council with Henry Kissinger and his two closest aides, (H.R.) Haldeman and (John D.) Erlichman.

Richard M. Nixon, U. S. President from 1968 until his forced resignation over the Watergate break-in scandal on August 9, 1974 [CaddyNixonHaldemanKissingerErlichman]
Richard M. Nixon, U. S. President from 1968 until his forced resignation over the
Watergate break-in scandal on August 9, 1974. Nixon and his three closest aides
left to right: Harry Robbins “H. R.” Haldeman; Henry Kissinger, National Security
Advisor and concurrently Secretary of State from September 22, 1973 to January 20, 1977;
and John D. Erlichman. Haldeman and Erlichman were also forced to resign on
April 30, 1973, over the Watergate scandal. Oval Office undated White House photograph.

I read into this, to be honest, that based on what he (Nixon) knew as Vice President (under Eisenhower) and what he had learned about the alien presence, Nixon was intent again to get more knowledge about the alien presence — what their intentions were? And it was important for the President to know what was going on!

I think that Nixon was set up through Watergate to fall because he was doing the same thing Kennedy was doing.

Liszt: So he was trying to get control of this group that was handling the alien information?

Caddy: He (Nixon) was pressing forward to find out about Majestic-12 and what it’s doing with the alien presence.

Liszt: He also wanted to assert power over this breakaway Majestic-12 Group that was researching the alien presence and technology. He wanted, like JFK wanted, to regain power over that (MJ-12) program again.

Caddy: He (Nixon) wanted the knowledge. I mean, he may have just continued the MJ-12 program with the same Group, but as a co-equal, in other words. There is no reason that the President of the United States should not be aware of these activities.


Super Black Budget Financing of MJ-12
and Secret Space Program

Now this leads into another activity and that is that vast sums of money have gone to be used by Majestic-12 in dealing with the alien presence — vast sums of money starting with World War II when the gold that was recovered by the Japanese was seized and sort of disappeared.

Editor’s Note: From American Free Press — “After WWII, many secret deals were made by the United States government to let Japanese war criminals, especially the top criminal, the emperor, and the royal family, off the hook. In exchange, much of the stolen gold (perhaps over $120 billion in 1945 dollars), silver, gems, antiquities etc was secretly taken by U.S. government insiders, particularly the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)/Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and various generals in the military. This is where the secret agency got its first big financing—under the table of course. This secret dealing was itself one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century.]

Also, you have to wonder about all this money missing from the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve refuses to answer questions from members of Congress such as U. S. Senator (Bernie) Sanders. He asked the head of the Federal Reserve where trillions of dollars went and the head of the Federal Reserve said, ‘I won’t answer you.’

The Blog of U. S. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont), Huffington Post, December 2, 2010, and updated May 25, 2011 [CaddySenSandersFedReserveRefuse120210]
“The Blog” of U. S. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont), Huffington Post, 
December 2, 2010, and updated May 25, 2011.

DCClothesline.com, April 6, 2015: “The fact that the Fed is above the law was demonstrated by current Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, during his appearance before Congress on March 4, 2009 (as shown in this video). Senator Bernie Sanders asked Bernanke about $2.2 trillion in American tax dollars that was lent out by Federal Reserve. Bernanke refused to provide an answer:

Senator Sanders: “Will you tell the American people to whom you lent $2.2 trillion of their dollars? … Can you tell us who they are?”

Bernanke: “No”

DCClothesline.com, April 6, 2015: In an interview with Jim Lehrer that was aired on PBS’ News Hour on September 18, 2007 that you can watch on YouTube, formal Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said, essentially, that the Federal Reserve was above the law and that no agency of government can overrule their actions:

Jim Lehrer: “What is the proper relationship, what should be the proper relationship between a chairman of the Fed and a president of the United States?”

Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve Chairman 1955-1987: “Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means, basically, that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take. So long as that is in place and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are don’t frankly matter.”

Caddy: They (Federal Reserve) are not obligated to do it (answer Congress) because they are not part of the government. They are independent. They are really a private bank, is what they are. Don’t forget that just the day before 9/11, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (served twice under President Gerald Ford in November 20, 1975 to January 20, 1977; and for President George W. Bush January 20, 2001 to December 18, 2006) held a (Sept. 10, 2001) press conference and said, “I can’t account for $2.1 trillion (actually $2.3 trillion) that is missing from the Pentagon.” See websites below.

The next day was 9/11 and that (Rumsfeld) headline just sort of disappeared. (September 11, 2001, attacks on World Trade Centers, New York City; Pentagon, Washington, D. C.; airliner that crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.)

There are two budgets: the Black Budget and the Super Black Budget. The Black Budget is only about $90 billion. That is authorized by Congress. They (Congress) say (to Black Budget users), “Take this money and go off and do what you’re supposed to do. We know you’re using it for Black purposes.”

But the other, the Super Black Budget, which is trillions of dollars, we have no idea how it’s being handled. And I just think after over 60 years now since 1947 when this all started — Majestic-12 and so forth — it’s now time for an accounting for the (secret) space program.”

Liszt: Yes, a secret space program with no public transparency. We (Dark Journalist) cover the black budgets pretty closely. And you think that this whole question around the alien presence and the missing money is the most important issue facing society today?

Caddy: Exactly. That’s the bottom line. That’s the most important issue.”


Howe: At the end of my interview with Daniel Liszt, he stressed that Caddy had not asked for any money or editing control to do the nearly 3 hours Skype interview.

Liszt: Douglas Caddy wasn’t looking for big book deals or publicity. He just wanted to set the story right. Caddy felt it was important for humanity and for our future to know the alien presence is real and it was the reason for JFK’s assassination. JFK’s assassination lay in the secret of the alien presence that he was going to expose first by giving it to the Soviet Union.

Howe: Have you or Douglas Caddy received any threats or intimidations since you started broadcasting the long interview on Dark Journalist the end of June 2015?

Liszt: Well, it’s very interesting. There were kind of unique technical difficulties around it (Skype interview, June 29, 2015). The reaction to it is that Caddy is such a serious figure and the alien presence is such an important question. But we have not been able to put those two things together before. And when you add into it the impact of E. Howard Hunt, who is implicated very often in the assassination of JFK and who at the end of his life gave a deathbed confession to his son (Saint John Hunt) implicating members of the CIA in the assassination of JFK and Caddy has gone on the record and he’s told us what his friend E. Howard Hunt, who was a “super spy” who worked for Presidents Eisenhower, JFK and LBJ — he was the high level CIA figure.

For Hunt to say this to Caddy, who knew nothing about the JFK assassination or the alien presence, I think it’s historical. And I think for Caddy to come out and say it at the end of his life — I think it was a very brave thing to do — and what the implications are that Hunt said to him about the alien presence being the main reason for JFK’s assassination.”

Everette Howard Hunt - Born October 9, 1918, Hamburg, New York. Died January 23, 2007 [CaddyHowardHuntAutographedPhoto]
Everette Howard Hunt
Born October 9, 1918, Hamburg, New York. Died January 23, 2007, Miami, Florida.
Specialized in CIA political warfare and was in charge of operations such as
the 1954 Guatemalan coup d’etat and June 17, 1972, Watergate DNC break-in
scandal that brought down the Richard Nixon administration. Undated autographed photo.




Also see:

9-Page “Burned Memo” About “Lancer” Kept
in CIA James Jesus Angleton’s Safe

— All 9 pages in Archive: 080308Earthfiles

— 5-part Earthfiles series — Original Carbon of 9-page Scorched Memo allegedly from CIA James Jesus Angleton’s safeplus information about Project JEHOVA with physicists Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer.

Also see:

Dark Journalist June 29, 2015, Skype Interview (2 hrs 45 minutes),
“Douglas Caddy — JFK Killed Over the Alien Presence”:

Also see Dark Journalist documentary:

Documentary - Agent Oswald - The CIA Patsy - Dark Journalist - The Truth Is Never Easy [Caddy Agent Oswald CIA Patsy Feb 2014]

Website: Dark Journalist: The Truth Is Never Easy
Documentary: Agent Oswald: The CIA Patsy © February 2014:

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpyMuduBmtQ


 ======== Thanks to the fine work of Environmental Reporter Linda Moulton Howe =========

 ====== …who has her fingers in every pie… except where it’s needed… the Environment…! ======

======================  http://www.JFKRevelations.yolasite.com  ======================

=====================   https://JFKRevelations.wordpress.com  =====================

===================   https://WTCRevelations.wordpress.com  ===================

 ===================  [http://WTCRevelations.yolasite.com] ===================

As Well As that little [E.L.E.]… also known as… the End Of Life On Earth….

Entire Pacific Ocean Marine Environmental Ecosystem Extinction Level Event..!!!

====================  http://FukushimaDaiichiUpdate.yolasite.com  ====================

====================  https://FukushimaUpdate.wordpress.com  ====================

====================  http://FukushimaUpdate.yolasite.com  ====================


============= …or the End of the World… =============

============= End of the Post =============

JFK Revelations… JFK Insights… Revelations…. an Epiphany of Truth…..

JFK [2134x400] Full Panels

JFK Revelations… JFK Insights… Revelations…. an Epiphany of Truth…..

JFK moments before his assassination  [640x400]

James Fetzer … Jack White …. and the Mary Moorman photo … to Jim Marrs … Judyth Vary Baker … the Collective Archives … and the Best Evidence….

Archived from Original Work so painstakingly and meticulous compiled done by Professor James Fetzer PhD…

Reference sourced from [http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2011/01/whos-telling-truth-clint-hill-or.html]

JFK: The Assassination of America [In (6) Parts] … and The JFK Horsemen [In (2) Parts] Larry Rivera

JFK II – The Bush Connection … on the Murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr….


“The Men Who Killed Kennedy” (Parts 1 – 9)  A detailed and oft-times controversial examination of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, with emphasis on the discrepancies and inconsistencies in the government’s official version of events.

The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Part 1) “The Coup D’Etat” (25 October 1988)

The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Part 2) “The Forces Of Darkness” (25 October 1988)

The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Part 3) “The Cover-Up” (20 November 1991)

The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Part 4) “The Patsy” (21 November 1991)

The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Part 5) “The Witnesses” (21 November 1991)

The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Part 6) “The Truth Shall Set You Free” (1995)


The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Part 7) “The Smoking Guns” (2003)

The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Part 8) “The Love Affair” (2003)

“The Love Affair” focused on the claims of Judyth Vary Baker to have been Lee Harvey Oswald’s lover in 1963, and to have worked with Oswald and others to develop a cancer-causing biological weapon as part of a CIA plan to assassinate Fidel Castro.

The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Part 9) “The Guilty Men” (2003)

 The third of these additional segments – “The Guilty Men” – was based substantially on the book Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K by Barr McClellan. The book and the episode directly implicates former U. S. President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) and its airing in 2003 created an outcry among Johnson’s surviving associates, including Johnson’s widow, Lady Bird Johnson, former LBJ aides Bill Moyers and Jack Valenti (longtime president of the Motion Picture Association of America), U.S. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald R. Ford, and the last-living (at the time of the outcry) Warren Commission member. These Johnson supporters lodged complaints of libel with the History Channel, and subsequently threatened legal action against Arts & Entertainment Company, owner of the History Channel. The History Channel responded by assembling a panel of three historians, Robert Dallek, Stanley Kutler, and Thomas Sugrue. On a program aired April 7, 2004, titled “The Guilty Man: A Historical Review,” the panel agreed that the documentary was not credible and should not have aired. The History Channel issued a statement saying, in part, “The History Channel recognizes that ‘The Guilty Men’ failed to offer viewers context and perspective, and fell short of the high standards that the network sets for itself. The History Channel apologized to its viewers and to Mrs. Johnson and her family for airing the show.” The channel said it would not show the episode again. Author Barr McClellan, on whose work the episode was largely based, complained that he had tried to cooperate with the reviewing historians to discuss his evidence with them, and had been ignored…


Any Critical Work of Research should stand the test of time … and hold up to criticism … so to be fair …. let’s put it up to the test of such criticism from Josiah Thompson … and judge for yourselves …. if the analysis is valid … Courtesy of [http://www.jfklancer.com/moorman_essay.html]




to the movie JFK … and the original ‘Mr. X’ … Air Force Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the predecessor to the CIA. …. Leon Fletcher Prouty’s letter to Jim Garrison …. on the (3) tramps …. and the strange appearance of Major General Edward Lansdale in Dealey Plaza that day…

Three tramps photo [notthesamecopinfront][educationforum.ipbhost.com][1024 × 662]

From Crossfire … to the movie JFK … & JFK II … on the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr…. to Murder in Dealey Plaza … the Tramps … and the Mary Moorman Photo … as Jim Marrs says … the Evidence is All there … we just have to look at it ….

Me and Lee foldout [1600x665]

Oswald Backyard Shots - going from left to right are pictures CE-113A, CE-113B and CE-113C.jpg.opt775x274o0,0s775x274


From Crossfire by Jim Marrs … which inspired the movie JFK … to the new evidence I heard on 07/07/2015 from Jim Fetzer on the Jeff Rense show … of the accounts from the Secret Service that indicate some 15-25 seconds of incidents that never showed up on the Zapruder film … evidence of photo manipulation, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of the witnesses…. the Kennedy’s were surrounded on all sides by plots and intrigues…

… the July 30, 2015 interview with Douglas Caty’s Hunt’s deathbed confession that implicates 

[ http://JFKRevelations.yolasite.com ]

JFK][Panel2] [1780x960] CompilationFinBdr'd

And… Updated BreakNews… as of July 30, 2015… thanks to Earthfiles.com reporter, the venerable Linda Moulton Howe… [https://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2334&category=Environment]


Earthfiles investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe shared reports on the main reason why President John F. Kennedy was killed and what was happening behind the public surface of a political break-in at DNC Headquarters that related to an alien presence…

   Linda shared an interview, conducted by podcaster Daniel Liszt, with attorney Douglas Caddy, who was a friend of CIA agent and Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt. Caddy recounted meeting with Hunt in 1975 and pressing him for details on two infamous events in American history. Despite being evasive in his answers, Hunt ultimately revealed that Kennedy was killed because he was poised to reveal “our most vital secret to the Soviets” which was “the alien presence.” Caddy also claimed that the impetus behind the Watergate burglary was a search for documents which would have implicated Richard Nixon in a 1960 plot to assassinate Fidel Castro. However, he theorized that the Watergate scandal was actually orchestrated in order to remove Nixon from power because he wanted access to the UFO secrets closely guarded by the MJ-12 group…







See also…





As Well As the [E.L.E.]Mat’l….






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